JHD B辑目录2018年第30卷第6期




Bubble dynamics and its applications
    Shi-Ping Wang(王诗平), A-Man Zhang(张阿漫), Yun-Long Liu(刘云龙), Shuai Zhang(张帅),
    Pu Cui(崔璞)(975)


Experimental investigation of flow past a circular cylinder with hydrophobic coating
    Jun Wen (文俊), Hai-bao Hu (胡海豹), Zhuang-zhu Luo (罗莊竹), Zhao-zhu Zhang (张招柱)(992)
Transient peristaltic diffusion of nanofluids: A model of micropumps in medical engineering
    Dharmendra Tripathi, Shashi Bhushan, O. Anwar Bég, Noreen Sher Akbar(1001)
High-speed experimental photography of collapsing cavitation bubble between a spherical particle and a rigid wall
    Yu-ning Zhang (张宇宁), Xiao-yang Xie (谢箫阳), Yu-ning Zhang(张宇宁),
    Yong-xue Zhang (张永学)(1012)
Flow induced structural vibration and sound radiation of a hydrofoil with a cavity
    Jin Tian (田锦), Guo-qing Yuan (袁国清), Hong-xing Hua (华宏星)(1022)
Unsteady flow structures in centrifugal pump under two types of stall conditions
    Pei-jian Zhou(周佩剑), Jia-cheng Dai(戴嘉铖), Ya-fei Li(李亚飞), Ting Chen(陈婷),
    Jie-gang Mou(牟介刚)(1038)
Sediment transport in pure acceleration-skewed oscillatory sheet flow
    Xin Chen (陈鑫), Fu-jun Wang (王福军), Gen-fa Chen (陈根发), Liu-chao Qiu (邱流潮)(1045)
Revisit of advection-dispersion equation model with velocity-dependent dispersion in capturing tracer dynamics in single empty fractures
    Mu Wang (王沐), Wei-dong Zhao (赵卫东), Rhiannon Garrard, Yong Zhang, Yong Liu (刘咏),
    Jia-zhong Qian (钱家忠)(1055)
Measurement and prediction of cavitating flow-induced vibrations
    Qin Wu (吴钦), Chang-chang Wang (王畅畅), Biao Huang (黄彪), Guo-yu Wang (王国玉),
    Shu-liang Cao (曹树良)(1064)
The energy-saving advantages of burst-and-glide mode for thunniform swimming
    Dan Xia (夏丹), Wei-shan Chen (陈维山), Jun-kao Liu (刘军考), Xiang Luo (罗翔)(1072)
Numerical and experimental study of continuous and discontinuous turbidity currents on a flat slope
    Zhong-luan Yan (严忠銮), Rui-dong An (安瑞冬), Jia Li (李嘉), Yun Deng (邓云), Yong Li (李永),
    Ya-ya Xu (徐亚亚)(1083)
Numerical study of steady-state acoustic oscillations in semi-closed straight channel
    Dinar Zaripov(1093)
Numerical investigation of velocity ratio effect in combined wall and offset jet flows
    Nidhal Hnaien, Salwa Marzouk, Habib Ben Aissia, Jacques Jay(1105)
Water entry of decelerating spheres simulations using improved ISPH method
    Abdelraheem M. Aly, Mitsuteru Asai(1120)
Numerical analysis of a magnetohydrodynamic duct flow with flow channel insert under a non-uniform magnetic field
C.N. Kim(1134)
Numerical investigations of the effects of blade shape on the flow characteristics in a stirred dead-end membrane bioreactor
    Xu-qu Hu (胡徐趣), Xing-yi Wang (王星燚), Xiu-cheng Lei (雷秀成), Xiang Qiu (邱翔),
    Lin-feng Chen (陈林烽)(1143)
Dynamic analysis of wave slamming on plate with elastic support
    Wei-guang Zuo (左卫广), Ming Liu (刘明), Tian-hui Fan (樊天慧), Jian Chen (陈建)(1153)
Critical velocities for local scour around twin piers in tandem
    Quan-shuai Liu (刘全帅), Hong-wu Tang (唐洪武), Hao Wang (王浩), Jian-feng Xiao (肖建峰)(1165)
An integrated optimization design of a fishing ship hullform at different speeds
    Lei Yang(杨磊), Sheng-zhong Li(李胜忠), Feng Zhao(赵峰), Qi-jun Ni(倪其军)(1174)


Numerical study on influence of structural vibration on cavitating flow around axisymmetric slender body
    Jing-zhu Wang (王静竹), Te-zhuan Du (杜特专), Yi-wei Wang (王一伟),
    Cheng-guang Huang (黄晨光)(1182)
An integral calculation approach for numerical simulation of cavitating flow around a marine propeller behind the ship hull
    Cheng-zao Han (韩承灶), Yun Long (龙云), Bin Ji (季斌), Xin-ping Long (龙新平),
    Zhi-rong Zhang (张志荣)(1186)


Call For Papers < The 3rd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow >
Editorial Message

JHD A辑目录2018年第33卷第5期


目  次


程萍, 黄扬, 万德成(545)
杜鑫, 李冬梅, 徐燕东,等(552)
曾海乔, 张新曙, 尤云祥,等(562)
宗智, 王轶赓, 顾学康,等(570)
赵伟文, 万德成(576)
田惠娟, 李庆祥, 潘明,等(585)
喻晨欣, 王嘉松, 郑瀚旭(593)
钱晨程, 张景新(601)
梁政, 邓兰, 周昀阳(609)
段宁远, 陈科, 盛立,等(618)
张巧玲, 常维宁, 杨振东,等(627)
徐璧华, 温达洋, 刘文成,等(635)
姚涛, 常宗瑜, 郑中强(642)
彭石, 何用, 刘诚,等(650)
郭莹莹, 杨具瑞, 张勤,等(658)
张明超, 王汉封, 彭思(666)


Journal of Hydrodynamics 2018年第4期目次
Call For Papers < The 3rd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow >

JHD B辑目录2018年第30卷第5期




A selected review of vortex identification methods with applications
    Yu-ning Zhang (张宇宁), Xu Qiu (裘勖), Fei-peng Chen (陈飞鹏), Kai-hua Liu (刘凯华),Yu-ning Zhang (张宇宁), Xiang-rui Dong (董祥瑞), Chaoqun Liu(767)


Tracer advection in an idealised river bend with groynes
    Mohammad Mahdi Jalali, Alistair G. L. Borthwick.(780)
Simulation of the overtaking maneuver between two ships using the non-linear maneuvering model
    Peng Du , A. Ouahsine , K. T. Tran , P. Sergent(791)
The effect of downstream resistance on flow diverter treatment of a cerebral aneurysm at a bifurcation:A joint computational-experimental study
    Anderson C. O. Tsang , Billy Y. S. Yiu , Abraham Y. S. Tang , W. C. Chung , Gilberto K. K. Leung , Alexander K. K. Poon , Alfred C. H. Yu , Simon S. M. Lai , K. W. Chow(803)
Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of a multi-module floating airport with rigid-flexible connections
    Dao-lin Xu (徐道临), Hai-cheng Zhang (张海成), Shu-yan Xia (夏淑炎), Chao Lu (卢超),En-rong Qi (祁恩荣), Chao Tian (田超), You-sheng Wu (吴有生)(815)
Improving the real-time probabilistic channel flood forecasting by incorporating the uncertainty of inflow using the particle filter
    Xing-ya Xu (徐兴亚), Xuesong Zhang, Hong-wei Fang (方红卫), Rui-xun Lai (赖瑞勋),Yue-feng Zhang (张岳峰), Lei Huang (黄磊), Xiao-bo Liu (刘晓波)(828)
Two-phase SPH simulation of vertical water entry of a two-dimensional structure
    Lin Ma (马林), Xi Zhao (赵曦), Hua Liu (刘桦)(841)
Three-dimensional numerical study of flow characteristics and membrane fouling evolution in an enzymatic membrane reactor
    Xu-qu Hu (胡徐趣), Pai-qing Wu (吴排青), Xing-yi Wang (王星燚), Hai-cheng Zhang (张海成),Jian-quan Luo (罗建泉)(851)
Using spanwise flexibility of caudal fin to improve swimming performance for small fishlike robots
    Dan Xia (夏丹), Wei-shan Chen (陈维山), Jun-kao Liu (刘军考), Xiang Luo (罗翔)(859)
Dual-porosity model of rate transient analysis for horizontal well in tight gas reservoirs with consideration of threshold pressure gradient
    Li-na Cao (曹丽娜), Xiao-ping Li (李晓平), Ji-qiang Zhang (张芨强), Cheng Luo (罗诚), Xiao-hua Tan (谭晓华)(872)
Bed roughness adjustments determined from fractal measurements of river-bed morphology
    Yin-jun Zhou (周银军), Jin-you Lu (卢金友), Li Chen (陈立), Jie Ren (任杰)(882)
A radial basis function for reconstructing complex immersed boundaries in ghost cell method
    Jian-jian Xin (辛建建), Ting-qiu Li (李廷秋), Fu-long Shi (石伏龙)(890)
The wave absorption efficiency of multi-layer vertical perforated thin plates
    Bao-lei Geng (耿宝磊), Rong-quan Wang (王荣泉), De-zhi Ning (宁德志)(898)
Numerical study of cavitating flow in orifices and its effect on spray characteristics
    Morteza Ghorbani(908)
Flow imbalance in MHD flows in splitting ducts with locally different electric conductivities of the walls
    Yang Luo , Mengqi Zhu , C. N. Kim(920)
Numerical modeling of sediment transport based on unsteady and steady flows by incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method
    Rasoul Memarzadeh, Gholamabbas Barani, Mahnaz Ghaeini-Hessaroeyeh(928)
Axial laminar velocity field calculation and optimization for power-law fluid in eccentric annulus with cutting bed
    Yong-hai Gao (高永海), Ye Chen (陈野), De-jun Cai (蔡德军), Hua-qing Liu (刘华清),Cheng-gui Liu (刘承贵), Qing-yong Li (李庆永)(943)
Fundamental diagrams for pedestrian flows in a channel via an extended social force model
    Yan-fang Wei (韦艳芳), Dong-kai Lan (蓝冬恺), Li-yun Dong (董力耘)(950)


Shallow-water sloshing motions in rectangular tank in general motions based on Boussinesq-type equations
    Yan Su (苏焱), Zu-yuan Liu (刘祖源), Zhi-liang Gao (高志亮)(958)
Air entrainment of hydraulic jump aeration basin
    Jian-hua Wu (吴建华), Yu Zhou (周宇), Fei Ma (马飞)(962)

A novel two-way method for dynamically coupling a hydrodynamic model with a discrete element model (DEM)

    Yan Xiong (熊焱), Qiuhua Liang , Samantha Mahaffey , Mohamed Rouainia , Gang Wang (王岗)(966)


2nd International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Soil-Water-Structure Interaction
Call For Papers < The 3rd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow >
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