

2024年6月20日,科睿唯安发布了2024年度期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)。Journal of Hydrodynamics (JHD)影响因子为3.4,首次进入国际力学类Q1区!影响因子较去年(2.5)有大幅提升;总被引频次达3667次,较去年(3596次)提升1.97%,均创历史新高!在170种SCI和ESCI力学期刊中位居第39名。

图1 2013至2023年度JHD影响因子和学科分区分布


Journal of Hydrodynamics(JHD)创刊于1989年,由我国老一辈水动力学知名专家、学者为发展我国水动力学事业以联合体形式创办,目前联合体单位已逾百家。期刊为双月刊,是SCI和EI双收录期刊,同Springer出版公司合作出版,由中国船舶科学研究中心名誉所长、工程院院士吴有生教授担任主编。主管单位中国船舶集团有限公司、主办单位中国船舶科学研究中心也给予了大力支持。

JHD于2019年入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划-梯队期刊,在主管单位、主办单位和全体编委、专家、编辑出版团队的共同努力下,国际影响力与日俱增,影响因子逐年稳步提升,2019年起SCI排名由Q3区进入Q2区,2023年又首次进入Q1区。据Springer-Nature平台数据显示,2023年JHD全文下载量达48 866次。自2012年起,JHD连续十多年荣获“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”称号,彰显了JHD在水动力学领域的学术影响力和引领作用。





Email: jhdzhou@vip.163.com

Website: http://www.jhydrodynamics.com

Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/




Call for Papers: Special Issue on Flow-induced vibrations (FIV) of cylindrical structures

The Journal of Hydrodynamics is pleased to announce a special issue dedicated to the topic of Flow-induced vibrations of cylindrical structures.

The vibration of such a structure subject to flow has been known to humanity since ancient times; for example, the phenomenon of a wire vibrating at its natural frequency in response to vortex shedding was recognized in ancient Greece as Aeolian tones. But systematic studies of the problem were not made until a century ago when Strouhal established the relationship between vortex shedding frequency and flow velocity for a given cylinder diameter. From an engineering point of view, flow-induced vibrations are particularly harmful if the vibration frequency synchronizes with one of the natural frequencies of the structure. Therefore, this issue holds great engineering significance, as vortex-induced forces may develop in structures exposed to fluid flow, such as tall stacks, bridge towers, cables, offshore structures, and pipelines.


This special issue focuses on studying the fluid-structures interaction mechanism inspired by FIV of cylindrical structures and their applications in solving real-world problems. We welcome contributions from scientists and engineers across diverse fields such as fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, and mechanical vibrations.

Submissions should explore FIV of cylindrical structures in various contexts, including the dynamic responses of structures submerged in fluid, containing fluid, or subjected to external flow.

Topics of Interest:

  • Classical issues of flow-induced vibrations
  • Energy harvesting mechanisms and applications of flow-induced vibrations
  • Flow-induced vibration issues in the field of biomimicry
  • Applications of artificial intelligence in managing and predicting flow-induced vibrations
  • Other theoretical frontiers and advanced technologies in flow-induced vibrations

Submission Guidelines:

Manuscripts should be submitted through the Journal of Hydrodynamics online submission system (https://link.springer.com/journal/42241). Please select “Invited Articles” as the article type during the submission process, and in the cover letter, include “Special Issue on Flow-induced vibrations of cylindrical structures“.

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: 31 Oct, 2024

Guest Editors:

  • Dr. Wanhai Xu, Tianjin University. China, xuwanhai@tju.edu.cn
  • Dr. Yan Bao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. China, ybao@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Dr. Hongjun Zhu, Southwest Petroleum University. China, zhuhj@swpu.edu.cn
  • Dr. Chunning Ji, Tianjin University. China, cnji@tju.edu.cn
  • Dr. Narakorn Srinil, Newcastle University, UK, narakorn.srinil@newcastle.ac.uk


For any inquiries regarding the special issue or the submission process, please jhdspringer@vip.163.com. Join us in this symphony of exploration and innovation, where flow-induced vibrations harmonize to propel our understanding of both FIV phenomena and mechanism to new horizons. In this special issue, we celebrate the synergy between these domains and invite you to be part of this exciting journey.


Zheng Ma

Executive Editor-in-Chief

Journal of Hydrodynamics

喜讯!JHD 2021年度影响因子攀升至2.983!

2022年6月28日,科睿唯安 (Clarivate Analytics) 发布了2021年《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports)。Journal of Hydrodynamics (JHD) 的影响因子继续保持上升趋势,达到2.983,再创历史新高,在国际力学类期刊中位居第 54 名(共138种期刊),比上一年提升了8名,总被引频次达到3405。在国内所有SCI期刊中,排名第180名(共273种期刊)。

Journal of Hydrodynamics (JHD)创刊于1989年,是由我国老一辈水动力学知名专家学者,为了发展我国水动力学事业以联合体形式创办的,目前联合体单位已逾百家。期刊为双月刊,是SCI和EI双收录期刊,同Springer出版公司合作出版。由中国船舶科学研究中心主办,主编为中国船舶科学研究中心名誉所长、工程院院士吴有生教授。JHD旨在努力提高期刊学术水平和国际影响力,借助期刊、会议及奖项等学术活动努力打造水动力学研究成果,推广学术交流及人才培养的平台,为我国水动力学发展贡献力量。JHD坚持每年举办一届全国水动力学研讨会,迄今已举办33届,成为广大科研工作者重要的学术交流平台。JHD与周培源基金会共同设立了“周培源水动力学奖”,表彰在水动力学领域有突出贡献的学者;此外还设立了“水动力学高被引论文奖”和”学生优秀论文奖“,致力于发掘优秀论文,培养后备人才,促进科技发展,弘扬科学精神。

Journal of Hydrodynamics (JHD)于2019年入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划-梯队期刊,在主管单位中国船舶集团有限公司、主办单位中国船舶科学研究中心的关心和大力支持下,在全体编委、专家、编辑出版团队的共同努力下,国际影响力与日俱增,影响因子逐年稳步提升,2019年起SCI排名由Q3区进入Q2区。据Springer-Nature平台数据显示,2021年JHD全文下载量达32714次,其中国际下载量占60%以上。自2011年起,JHD连续十年荣获“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”称号,彰显了JHD在水动力学领域的学术影响力和引领作用。




JHD 2018年度影响因子再创新高

据科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)2019年6月20日发布的2018年度的全球期刊引证报告,Journal of Hydrodynamics (JHD)的两年影响因子再创新高,升至1.855,在134种国际力学类SCI期刊中的排名73位(前54.5%,Q3区,接近Q2);期刊2016-2017文章于2018年被SCI期刊引用410次(其中他刊引用占74.6%);历年文章总引频次1900次(其中他刊引用占88.8%)。影响因子、总引频次较去年分别提高18.7%、12.0%;排名比去年前进4位。2013年以来,JHD的影响因子、总被引频次均稳步提升!

图1 JHD 近五年影响因子

图2 JHD 近五年总被引频次

JHD于1989年创刊,随即被EI Compendex收录。2008年Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E)收录JHD 2004以来的文章。2006年起,JHD的电子版由Elsevier全球发行。2018年电子版由Springer发行(https://link.springer.com/journal/42241),并启用Editorial Manager投稿系统(http://ijhd.editorialmanager.com)。
