JHD B辑目录2016年第3期


Review article

A review of cavitation in hydraulic machinery
Xian-wu LUO (罗先武), Bin JI (季斌), Yoshinobu TSUJIMOTO (335)


Numerical studies of the hysteresis in locomotion of a passively pitching foil
Xue-ming SHAO (邵雪明), Xiao-long ZHANG (张晓龙), Zhao-sheng YU (余钊圣) (359)
Determination of frequencies of oscillations of cloud cavitation on a 2-D hydrofoil from high-speed camera observations
Patrik ZIMA, Tomáš FÜRST, Milan SEDLÁŘ, Martin KOMÁREK, Rostislav HUZLÍK (369)
Numerical simulation of wave transformation, breaking and runup by a contravariant fully non-linear Boussinesq equations model
Corrected SPH methods for solving shallow-water equations
Shan-qun CHEN (陈善群), Bin LIAO (廖斌), Tao HUANG (黄涛) (389)
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the open channel flow connecting two cascaded hydropower stations
Chun-ze ZHANG (张春泽), Yong-guang CHENG (程永光), Jia-yang WU (吴家阳), Wei Diao (刁伟) (400)
Experiment study of the effects of hydrodynamic disturbance on the interaction between the cyanobacterial growth and the nutrients
Jian HUANG (黄健), Bei-dou XI (席北斗), Qiu-jin XU (许秋瑾), Xi-xi WANG (王喜喜), Wei-ping LI (李卫平), Lian-sheng HE (何连生), Hong-liang LIU (刘鸿亮) (411)
Water quality model with multiform of N/P transport and transformation in the Yangtze River Estuary
Biao WANG (王彪), Shi-qiang LU (卢士强), Wei-qing LIN (林卫青), Yi-fan YANG (杨漪帆), Dao-zeng WANG (王道增)(423)
Numerical investigation of the effect of rotation on cavitating flows over axisymmetric cavitators
Ye-jun GONG (龚也君), Jie-min ZHAN (詹杰民), Tian-zeng LI (李天赠)(431)
Investigation of cavitation bubble collapse near rigid boundary by lattice Boltzmann method
Ming-lei SHAN (单鸣雷), Chang-ping ZHU (朱昌平), Xi ZHOU (周曦), Cheng YIN (殷澄), Qing-bang HAN (韩庆邦) (442)
Numerical solution of thermo-solutal mixed convective slip flow from a radiative plate with convective boundary condition
M. J. UDDIN, O. Anwar BéG, M. N. UDDIN, A. I. Md. ISMAIL (451)
A joint computational-experimental study of intracranial aneurysms: Importance of the aspect ratio
Simon Sui-Man LAI, Abraham Yik-Sau TANG, Anderson Chun-On TSANG, Gilberto Ka-Kit LEUNG, Alfred Cheuk-Hang YU, Kwok Wing CHOW (462)
Oscillating-grid turbulence at large strokes: Revisiting the equation of Hopfinger and Toly
Wan Hanna Melini WAN MOHTAR (473)
A robust WENO scheme for nonlinear waves in a moving reference frame
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of mechanical energy loss and wall resistance of steady open channel flow
Shi-he LIU (刘士和), Jiao XUE (薛娇) (489)
A simple method for estimating bed shear stress in smooth and vegetated compound channels
Yu-qi SHAN (单钰淇), Chao LIU (刘超), Mao-kang LUO (罗懋康), Ke-jun YANG (杨克君) (497)
Numerical simulations of viscous flow around the obliquely towed KVLCC2M model in deep and shallow water
Qing-jie MENG (孟庆杰), De-cheng WAN (万德成) (506)


Scattering of gravity waves by a porous rectangular barrier on a seabed
Qing-rui MENG (孟庆瑞), Dong-qiang LU (卢东强) (519)

JHD B辑目录2016年第2期


Hull form optimization of a cargo ship for reduced drag
Fuxin HUANG, Chi YANG (173)
Numerical simulation of self-similar thermal convection from a spinning cone in anisotropic porous medium
O. Anwar BéG, M. J. UDDIN, T. BéG, R. Reddy GORLA (184)
An axisymmetric model for draft tube flow at partial load
Hosein FOROUTAN, Savas YAVUZKURT (195)
An iterative re-weighted least-squares algorithm for the design of active absorbing wavemaker controller
Hong-qi YANG (杨洪齐), Mu-guo LI (李木国), Shu-xue LIU (柳淑学), Fang-mei CHEN (陈芳梅) (206)
Three-dimensional unstructured modelling of wave-induced circulation over a plane and irregular beach
Qiu-shun WANG (汪求顺), Hai-gui KANG (康海贵), Ke WANG (王科) (219)
Calculation of tip vortex cavitation flows around three-dimensional hydrofoils and propellers using a nonlinear k -ε turbulence model
Zhi-hui LIU (刘志辉), Ben-long WANG (王本龙), Xiao-xing PENG (彭晓星), Deng-cheng LIU (刘登成) (227)
Numerical simulation of the abrasive supercritical carbon dioxide jet: The flow field and the influencing factors
Zhen-guo HE (贺振国), Gen-sheng LI (李根生), Hai-zhu WANG (王海柱), Zhong-hou SHEN (沈忠厚), Shou-ceng TIAN (田守嶒), Pei-qing LU (陆沛青), Bin GUO (郭斌) (238)
In-situ study on nutrient release fluxes from shallow lake sediments under wind-driven waves
Yuan-jun SUN (孙远军), Shi-qiang LU (卢士强), Wei-qing LIN (林卫青), Dao-zeng WANG (王道增), Jing-yu FAN (樊靖郁), Zhu LI (李柱) (247)
Computation of vortical flow and flow induced noise by large eddy simulation with FW-H acoustic analogy and Powell vortex sound theory
Nan ZHANG (张楠), Hua XIE (谢华), Xing WANG (王星), Bao-shan WU (吴宝山) (255)
Hydrodynamic modelling of flow impact on structures under extreme flow conditions
Qiuhua LIANG, Kai-cui CHEN (陈恺翠), Jingming HOU, Yan XIONG (熊焱), Gang WANG (王岗), Juan QIANG (羌娟) (267)
Turbulent heat transfer and pressure loss in a square channel with discrete broken V-rib turbulators
Promthaisong PITAK, Eiamsa-ard PETPICES, Jedsadaratanachai WITHADA, Eiamsa-ard SMITH (275)
Manoeuvring prediction based on CFD generated derivatives
Shi He, Paula KELLETT, Zhiming YUAN, Atilla INCECIK, Osman TURAN, Evangelous BOULOUGOURIS (284)
Computational study of different venturi and orifice type hydrodynamic cavitating devices
Kuldeep, Virendra Kumar SAHARAN (293)
Numerical simulation of 3-D free surface flows by overlapping MPS
Zhen-yuan TANG (唐振远), You-lin ZHANG (张友林), De-cheng WAN (万德成) (306)
The experiment and analysis of transitional flow in pipe
Jun WANG (王军), Guang-sheng DU (杜广生), Jing-ying WANG (王京盈), Jie GENG (耿介), Dong LI (李冬) (313)
Lattice Boltzmann method for Casimir invariant of two-dimensional turbulence
Yu-xian XIA (夏玉显), Yue-hong QIAN (钱跃竑) (319)


Improved formulas for thermal behavior of oscillating nanobubbles
Yu-ning ZHANG (张宇宁), Shengcai LI (325)
Effects of water flow on the uptake of phosphorus by sediments: An experimental investigation
Yang XIAO (肖洋), Hao-ke CHENG (成浩科), Wei-wei YU (余维维), Zhi-wei LI (李志伟) (329)


Erratum to “Numerical study of the flow in the Yellow River with non- monotonous banks”


2016’ International Summer School on Naval Architecture, Ocean Engineering and Mechanics

JHD B辑目录2016年第1期



Self-propulsion of a three-dimensional flapping flexible plate
Chao TANG (唐超), Xi-yun LU (陆夕云) (1)


A numerical model for pipelaying on nonlinear soil stiffness seabed
Ying-fei ZAN (昝英飞), Chi YANG, Duan-feng HAN (韩端锋), Li-hao YUAN (袁利毫), Zhi-gang LI (李志刚) (10)
Numerical simulation of flow and bed morphology in the case of dam break floods with vegetation effect
Ming-liang ZHANG (张明亮), Yuan-yuan XU (许媛媛), Yang QIAO (乔洋), Heng-zhi JIANG (姜恒志), Zhong-zhe ZHANG (张钟哲), Guo-sheng ZHANG (张国胜) (23)
Wave force on composite bucket foundation of an offshore wind turbine
Ji-jian LIAN (练继建), Tong-shun YU (于通顺), Jin-feng ZHANG (张金凤) (33)
Numerical and experimental studies of hydraulic noise induced by surface dipole sources in a centrifugal pump
Hou-lin LIU (刘厚林), Han-wei DAI (戴菡葳), Jian DING (丁剑), Ming-gao TAN (谈明高), Yong WANG (王勇), Hao-qin HUANG (黄浩钦) (43)
Numerical study of spike characteristics due to the motions of a non-spherical rebounding bubble
Jia-xia WANG (王加夏), Zhi ZONG (宗智), Lei SUN (孙雷), Zhang-rui LI (李章锐), Ming-zuo JIANG (姜明佐) (52)
Mass transport in a thin layer of power-law fluid in an Eulerian coordinate system
Jie LIU (刘洁), Yu-chuan BAI (白玉川) (66)
Pelton turbine: Identifying the optimum number of buckets using CFD
Audrius ŽIDONIS, George A. AGGIDIS (75)
Flow, thermal criticality and transition of a reactive third-grade fluid in a pipe with Reynoldsʼ model viscosity
Samuel S. OKOYA (84)
Investigation of the effects of platform motion on the aerodynamics of a floating offshore wind turbine
Yuanchuan LIU, Qing XIAO, Atilla INCECIK, De-cheng WAN (万德成) (95)
Formation of air-entraining vortices at horizontal intakes without approach flow induced circulation
Mustafa GOGUS, Mete KOKEN, Ali BAYKARA (102)
Mixing of two different electrolyte solutions in electromagnetic rectangular mixers
Meimei WEN, Chang Nyung KIM, Yue YAN (114)
A new biomimicry marine current turbine: Study of hydrodynamic performance and wake using software OpenFOAM
Yung-Jeh CHU (125)
Numerical study of the flow in the Yellow River with non-monotonous banks
He-fang JING (景何仿), Yi-tian LI (李义天), Chun-guang LI (李春光) (142)
Study of bedload transport in backwater flow
Zhong-wu JIN (金中武), Jin-you LU (卢金友), Hua-li WU (吴华莉) (153)


Experimental study of water and dissolved pollutant runoffs on impervious surfaces
Yang XIAO (肖洋), Tao-tao ZHANG (张涛涛), Dongfang LIANG, Jack M. CHEN (162)
Ski-jump trajectory based on take-off velocity
Jian-hua WU (吴建华), Zhun XU (许准), Li YAO (姚莉), Fei MA (马飞) (166)


The Second Conference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics (CCSH’2016)
1st International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Large Deformation and Soil-Water-Structure Interaction