JHD B辑目录2024年第36卷第6期



Large eddy simulation of the wake behind a sphere with and without density stratification at Re = 3 700
Gang Gao, Yang-jun Wang, Liu-shuai Cao, De-cheng Wan (1009)


Research on the bubble collapse behaviors near dual cylinders within confined spaces
Shao-wu Ma, Jun-wei Shen, Jia-ze Ying, Shu-rui Zhang, Yu-ning Zhang, Yu-ning Zhang (1021)
Experimental investigation on cavitation bubble precipitation characteristics in sand-laden water
Hao Wang, Ming Yang, Fu-jun Wang, Chao-yue Wang, Jian-zhong Zhu, Yi Zhang (1033)
Experimental research on cavitating hydrodynamic characteristics of NACA0015 hydrofoil and its biomimetic counterpart
Xiao-jun Li, Shi-rui Tang, Zheng-dong Wang, Kui Chen, Yu-hua Zhou, Hai Chen (1046)
Influence of liquid viscosity on the interactions between cavitation bubbles and flat liquid-liquid interfaces
Yang Liu, Zhi-ying Zheng, Zhi-bo He, Tian-bao Zeng, Wei-hua Cai, Hong Qi (1057)
Investigation on the cylindrical bubble dynamics near a wall with an arched bulge
Yu-fei Wang, Shu-zheng Hu, Zheng-yang Feng, Ya-bin Liu, Xiao-yu Wang, Yu-ning Zhang (1073)
Water-sand two-phase flow and wear characteristics in a rotating jet wear device at different impact angles
Shuai-hui Sun, Jing-wen Jia, Meng-na Lin, Peng-cheng Guo, Long Wang, Yi-fan Zhao, Xing-qi Luo (1083)
Theoretical investigation of the simultaneous resonance of a cylindrical bubble under triple-frequency acoustic excitation
Jia-xin Yu, Zhi-hao Liu, Jin-xin Luo, Xiang-qing Zhang, Zheng-gui Li, Yu-ning Zhang (1095)


Mechanism study of micro-jet generation induced by acoustic cavitation
Lei Wei, Sheng Liu, Fang Dong (1104)
Efficient navigation of a robotic fish swimming across the vortical flow field
Hao-dong Feng, De-han Yuan, Jia-le Miao, Jie You, Yue Wang, Yi Zhu, Di-xia Fan (1118)
Numerical and analytical models for prediction of the local scour under pipelines
Andrey Epikhin, Igor Potapov, Aleksandr Petrov, Aleksandr Kukharskii (1130)
Effect of triangular baffle designs on flow dynamics and sediment transport within standard box culverts
Jie Dai, Jing-qiao Mao, Yi-qing Gong, Huan Gao (1142)
Investigation on method of characteristics and semi-implicit method for pressure linked equations algorithms for water hammer based on unsteady friction
Zong-ku Liu, Guo-hong Wu, Hao Wang, Jia-xiang Zhang, Xue-lin Tang, Xiao-qin Li (1155)
A comprehensive comparison study between Deep Operator networks neural network and long short-term memory for very short-term prediction of ship motion
Yong Zhao, Jin-xiu Zhao, Zi-zhong Wang, Si-nan Lu, Li Zou (1167)
Laboratory investigation of flow behavior in an open channel with emerged porous rigid and flexible vegetation
Kashif Iqbal, Usman Ghani, Ghufran Ahmed Pasha, Nadir Murtaza, Muhammad Kaleem Ullah, Naveed Anjum (1181)
Editorial Message(1200)

JHD A辑目录2024年第39卷第6期

目  次

段传智, 胡健, 李旭晟, 万清源, 张维鹏  (833)
薛雯鑫, 刘涛涛, 董清晨, 黄彪  (840)
毛其然, 张任捷, 刘远传  (853)
张明亮, 宿晓辉, 白瑞泽, 张建涛, 张欢  (861)
吴丹, 冯兴亚 (867)
张志慧, 刘全生, 尹晓军, 杨联贵, 张瑞岗 (874)
郭一凡, 牛小静  (883)
张天宇, 李若欣  (888)
郭恩锴, 汪杨骏, 曹留帅, 万德成 (894)
张馨予, 赵敏  (902)
李敏, 王金光, 赵伟文, 万德成  (908)
于安, 陈磊, 唐亦波, 周大庆  (916)
张辉, 林泊帆, 陈婷  (925)
杨辰昕, 郑祥豪, 张宇宁 (934)
郭弢, 周金龙, 宋亚磊, 王笑语  (944)
田元兴, 苏宝定, 于波, 于佳鑫  (952)
张湘晴, 孙卓 (960)
余文进, 周佩剑, 顾杨帆, 孟龙, 温在鹏 (967)
2024年水动力装备与系统专家学者论坛学术成果总结 (974)

JHD A辑目录2024年第39卷第5期

目  次

李泽钦, 王志远, 赵阳, 吕冯君, 付玮琪, 张剑波, 裴继昊  (649)
刘健峰, 奚望, 陆伟刚, 苏华, 王飞  (655)
孙寅鹏, 张志岭, 何术龙  (664)
李政声, 叶晓琰, 李岩, 张德胜  (673)
陆星宇, 罗晔, 黄剑霖, 王静竹, 于鹏垚, 韩玮, 王一伟 (684)
方海渊, 张睿杰, 曹彦涛, 郑恩慧, 张成华, 耿琳琳 (696)
任岩, 郭晓宇, 王方勇, 唐浩  (706)
江雨溪, 薛亚斐, 熊波, 王社教, 方朝合, 莫邵元, 辛福东, 卢德唐  (715)
季瑞, 陈正寿 (724)
尹鑫漫, 李靖, 张涛, 王玫珠, 张晟庭, 石军太, 李相方, 冯绪兴, 郝少伟  (734)
杨帆, 李仟, 吴珈莹, 曾玉红  (746)
宗思远, 许栋, 应超, 及春宁, 冉启华  (756)
周鹏, 孙淑贞, 郭鹏程, 师孟悦, 安栋栋, 孙龙刚  (767)
唐军, 朱娱乐, 秦艳霞, 雷文生, 赵龙 (777)
方子怡, 钱丽娟, 朱晨琳, 乔文通  (788)
朱红钧, 唐堂, 谢宜蒲, 张文翔  (801)
尹然, 袁颖, 曹钦亮, 霍富永, 冯宇, 敬加强 (811)
闫思娜, 罗兴锜, 冯建军, 孙帅辉, 朱国俊 (824)
第三十五届全国水动力学研讨会成功召开 (832)

JHD B辑目录2024年第36卷第5期



Effect of backward-facing step heights in vegetation-step model on reducing the velocity of a tsunami inundation and increasing the energy dissipation efficiency
Wen-xin Huai, Xiao-hua Zhang, Dan Li, Zhong-hua Yang, Yi-dan Ai (803)
Wave height forecast method with uncertainty quantification based on Gaussian process regression
Zi-lu Ouyang, Chao-fan Li, Ke Zhan, Chuan-qing Li, Ren-chuan Zhu, Zao-jian Zou (817)
Effect of rotation curvature correction and inviscid spatial discretization scheme on the aerodynamics of vertical axis wind turbine
Kai-fang Ma, Jia-song Wang, Lei-ping Xue (828)
Examination on behavior of tip leakage flow in a three-stage gas-liquid two-phase flow pump
Si-na Yan, Xing-qi Luo, Jian-jun Feng, Shuai-hui Sun, Guo-jun Zhu, Xin Wu (843)
Tomographic particle image velocimetry measurements of synthetic jet in turbulent boundary layer
Jin-hao Zhang, Li-juan Shi, Xing-yu Ma, Zhan-qi Tang, Xiao-qi Cheng, Nan Jiang (854)
An investigation of cavitation control using a porous material on a hemispherical cylinder at various cavitation numbers
Fei-peng Yu, Yi-gan Zhang, Hao-kun Li, Ze-hui Qu, Hua-ping Liu (870)
A GPU-accelerated two-phase flow model for fluid-solid interaction using the sharp interface immersed boundary method
Li-ping Ma, Ji-jian Lian, Dong-ming Liu (883)
Investigation of cloud cavitating flow in a venturi using adaptive mesh refinement
Dhruv Apte, Mingming Ge, Olivier Coutier-Delgosha (898)
Hydrodynamic instability of vegetated shear flows
Rajesh K. Mahato (914)
Fluctuation characteristics and topological interface states in the quasi-periodic structures of shallow-water waves
Xue Guan, Bo-ya Xiao, Yu Liu, Meng Chen (925)
Double-averaged velocity profile and its representative line for turbulent flows over two-dimensional fixed dunes
Pu-er Xu, Nian-Sheng Cheng, Dong-xin Guo (934)
Cylindrical bubble dynamics in triple-frequency acoustic field
Jia-xin Yu, Zhi-hao Liu, Jin-sen Hu, Xiao-yu Wang, Xiang-qing Zhang, Jun-wei Shen, Yu-ning Zhang (947)
Experimental and numerical study of the rheological characteristics and flow law of water-based drilling fluids in high-temperature and high-pressure wellbores
Le-le Yang, Bin Li, Xiao-dong Chen, Liang Yu, Feng-mei Jing, Dong Zhang (954)
Practical representation of flows due to general singularity distributions for ships steadily advancing in calm water of finite depth
Huiyu Wu, Ren-chuan Zhu, Jiayi He (968)
A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method for vertical axis turbine design and assessment
Nicolas Hanousek, Bikash Ranabhat, Aaron English, Reza Ahmadian (991)
Editorial Message(1008)

JHD B辑目录2024年第36卷第4期



Spectral and statistical analysis of bow wave breaking characteristics of KCS ship
Xin-yi Li, Feng-jun Bao, Jian-hua Wang, De-cheng Wan, Jian Xu (593)
Comparison of DES and URANS: Estimation of fluctuating pressure from URANS simulations in stilling basins
Kang Liu, Hao-ran Wang, Yong-can Chen, Hui Xie, Zhao-Wei Liu (609)
Numerical investigation on local resonance within an array of C-shaped cylinders in water waves
Jin Xu, De-zhi Ning, Li-fen Chen, Huan-wen Liu (624)
Numerical study of the acoustic spectrum of bubble clusters
Fu-qiang Deng, Di Zhao, Ling-xin Zhang, Yang Li, Xue-ming Shao (637)
Large eddy simulations of zinc ions transfer to turbulent flows from hyporheic zone
Yi-ming Jin, Jin-feng Chen, Jin-long Zhang, Ze-hao Zhao, Dong-liang Fan, Yu-hong Dong (650)
Investigation on the width-to-depth ratio effect on turbulent flows in a sharp meandering channel with periodic boundaries using large eddy simulations
Bing-chang Zhang, Dong Xu, Chun-ning Ji, Qi-hua Ran (662)
Numerical study of air cavity characteristics of bow wave breaking of KCS ship under different speeds
Tian-yi Mao, Feng-jun Bao, Jian-hua Wang, De-cheng Wan, Zhao-jie Wang (678)
Actuator line method flow structures and morphology interaction around a monopile-supported tidal stream turbine using the actuator line-Sediment transport coupling simulation
Xiang-feng Lin, Ji-sheng Zhang, Jin-hai Zheng, Da-wei Guan, Xu Deng (693)
Experimental investigations on characteristics of water-air two-phase flows during water-fillings in undulation pipelines
Xue-lin Tang, Zong-ku Liu, Ling Zhang, Xiao-qin Li (706)
New proposals for coupling cavitation models with laminar/turbulent transition models: application to a  cavitation sheet over a NACA 16 012
Jean Decaix (725)
Evaluation of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes turbulence models in open channel flow over salmon redds
Bishal Bhattarai, Brandon Hilliard, Daniele Tonina, William J. Reeder, Ralph Budwig, Benjamin T. Martin, Tao Xing (741)
Effects of logjams on river hydrodynamics under inundation conditions
Huai-jian Bao, Ping Wang, Wei-jie Wang, Yu-yan Liu, Tian-jiao Feng (757)
Heat transfer and flow structure in centrally-confined 2-D Rayleigh-Bénard convection
Cong Sun, Jian-zhao Wu, Xiao-hui Meng, Cai-xi Liu, Wei Xu, Yu-hong Dong, Quan Zhou (772)
Analysis of clearance flow of a fuel pump based on dynamical mode decomposition
Wei-long Guang, Qiang Liu, Fa-ye Jin, Ran Tao, Ruo-fu Xiao (781)


The influence of drag parameter on submerged vegetation flow simulation using a porous approach
Meng-yang Liu, Yi-sen Wang, Yi-qing Gong, Shu-xia Wang (796)
Editorial Message(802)