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1941年伟大数学家Kolmogorov提出大雷诺数条件下湍流局部均匀各向同性假定,并建立了被视为现代湍流研究开端的K41理论。作为K41理论王冠上最闪耀的一颗明珠,Kolmogorov预言的湍能谱-5/3幂次率在大约十年后被实验所证实。然而,湍能谱的-5/3幂次率是在不可压缩、均匀、各向同性和惯性子区无粘的假定下得到。在实际流动中,尤其是在中低雷诺数条件下的边界层,惯性子区不可能无粘,这些假定往往不能满足。美籍华人德州大学阿灵顿分校终身杰出教授Chaoqun Liu教授团队2017年提出把流体运动的刚转部分分离出来(后来命名为Liutex),并在研究中低雷诺数湍流边界层时发现,Liutex向量大小的能谱与-5/3幂次率能够很好吻合,相反湍能谱只有在很小的波数(频率)范围内才微弱满足-5/3幂次率,如图所示。


Liutex的-5/3幂次率之所以具有更普遍的适用范围是因为Liutex向量代表流动中的刚性旋转部分,而刚性旋转部分无剪切、无粘性耗散,因而不受粘性的影响,从而独立于雷诺数。因此Liutex在中低雷诺数下的小尺度结构仍然符合相似率。相比之下, Vorticity 和Q等第二代涡识别方法都不具备相似律,与-5/3幂次率相距甚远。这一发现不仅增进了人们对湍流物理的认识,同时对建立更普遍使用的亚格子模型具有重要的意义。

1.Xu W., Wang Y., Gao Y. et al. Liutex similarity in turbulent boundary layer [J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2019, 31(6): 1259-1262.




Liu C., Gao Y., Dong X.R., et al. Third generation of vortex identification methods: Omega and Liutex/Rortex based systems [J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2019, 31(2): 205–223.




Chaoqun Liu教授团队2018年以来在Journal of Hydrodynamics和Physics of Fluids上发表关于第三代涡识别方法(以Liutex向量和Omega涡识别方法为代表)的论文二十余篇。如需获得第三代涡识别方法的相关软件,欢迎访问Chaoqun Liu教授的网站https://www.uta.edu/math/cnsm/public_html/cnsm/cnsm.html,签署用户协议后,即可免费下载。

期刊介绍:Journal of Hydrodynamics(JHD),中文名《水动力学研究与进展》,创刊于1989年,由中国船舶科学研究中心主办,致力于发表水动力学领域的科研论文。目前已被SCIE,EI,Scopus等众多数据库收录。2018年影响因子1.855,在134种国际力学类SCI期刊中的排名73位,位于所属学科(MECHANICS)三区;2018年CiteScore(Scopus)分值为2.05。

JHD B辑目录2019年第31卷第6期




A fully nonlinear and weakly dispersive water wave model for simulating the propagation, interaction, and transformation of solitary waves
Zhengyong Zhong, Keh-Han Wang(1099)
On Rayleigh expansion for nonlinear long water waves
   Wooyoung Choi(1115)
Extreme storm surge induced coastal inundation in Yangtze Estuary regions
Zhen-hua Pan, Hua Liu(1127)
Analytical solutions for the interfacial viscous capillary-gravity waves due to an oscillating Stokeslet
   Dong-qiang Lu(1139)


Simulation-based study of wind–wave interactions under various sea conditions
   Xuanting Hao, Tianyi Li, Tao Cao, Lian Shen(1148)
Recent progress in augmenting turbulence models with physics-informed machine learning
   Xinlei Zhang, Jinlong Wu, Olivier Coutier-Delgosha, Heng Xiao(1153)
An efficient parallel algorithm for DNS of buoyancy-driven turbulent flows
   Yi-zhao Zhang, Shu-ning Xia, Yu-hong Dong, Bo-fu Wang, Quan Zhou(1159)
Study of tip vortex cavitation inception and vortex singing
   Xiao-xing Peng, Ling-xin Zhang, Ben-long Wang, Liang-hao Xu, Ming-tai Song, Yan-tao Cao, Yu-wen Liu,
   Fang-wen Hong, Kai Yan(1170)


Liutex (vorex) cores in transitional boundary layer with spanwise-wall oscillation
   Yi-qian Wang, Chaoqun Liu(1178)
CFD-DEM modelling of mixing and segregation of binary mixtures of ellipsoidal particles in liquid fluidizations
   Esmaeil Abbaszadeh Molaei, Aibing Yu, Zongyan Zhou(1190)
Flow structure and unsteady fluctuation with separation over a two-dimensional backward-facing step
   Fang-fang Wang, Shi-qiang Wu, Biao Huang(1204)
Integrated lifting line/surface panel method for optimal propeller design with consideration of hub effect
   Wen-yu Sun, Guo-fu Huang(1218)
Prediction of added resistance of a ship in waves at low speed
Feng Diao, Ji-kang Chen, Wen-yang Duan, Wei-xin Zhou, Jingpu Chen, Jin-fang Wei(1231)
Numerical and experimental studies of hydrodynamic performance of bionic leading-edge tubercle airfoil
   Chun-yu Guo, Zuo-tian Zhang, Xu-xiang Cao, Tie-cheng Wu,Yu-min Su(1240)


Feasible study on full-scale delivered power prediction using CFD/EFD combination method
   Jin-bao Wang, Hai Yu, Yi Feng(1250)
Applying extended intrinsic mean spin tensor in evolution algorithm for RANS modelling of turbulent rotating channel flow
   Wei Zhang, Bing Zhu, Hui Xu, Yong Wang(1255)
Liutex similarity in turbulent boundary layer
   Wenqian Xu, Yi-qian Wang, Yi-sheng Gao, Jian-ming Liu, Huashu Dou, Chaoqun Liu(1259)

JHD B辑目录2019年第31卷第5期




Liutex (vortex) core definition and automatic identification for turbulence vortex structures
    Hongyi Xu, Xiao-shu Cai, Chaoqun Liu(857)
Analysis and correlation of fluid acceleration with vorticity and Liutex (Rortex) in swirling jets
    Nan Gui, Hou-bo Qi, Liang Ge, Peng-xin Cheng, Hao Wu, Xing-tuan Yang, Ji-yuan Tu, Sheng-yao Jiang(864)
Inflows/outflows driven particle dynamics in an idealised lake
    Cheng-hua Dang, Jingchun Wang, Qiuhua Liang(873)
Viscous numerical examination of hydrodynamic forces on a submerged horizontal circular cylinder undergoing forced oscillation
    Bin Teng, Hong-fei Mao, De-zhi Ning, Chong-wei Zhang(887)
Numerical simulation of micro-bubble drag reduction of an axisymmetric body using OpenFOAM
    Xiao-jie Zhao, Zhi Zong,Yi-chen Jiang,Yu Pan(900)
Extension Omega and Omega-Liutex methods applied to identify vortex structures in viscoelastic turbulent flow
Lu Wang, Zhi-ying Zheng, Wei-hua Cai, Wan-you Li(911)
Experimental study of the impact of the floating-vegetation island on mean and turbulence structures
Wang-yang Yu, Chun-bo Jiang, Ying Shi, Qi Zhou, Jian Liu, Qi Zhang(922)
Numerical investigation of the cavitation dynamic parameters in a Francis turbine draft tube with columnar vortex rope
    Jing Yang, Ling-jiu Zhou, Zheng-wei Wang(931)
Experimental study of air-water interface properties in self-aerated flows
    Wang-ru Wei, Wei-lin Xu, Jun Deng, Zhong Tian, Fa-xing Zhang(940)
Numerical simulation of flow past a square cylinder with a circular bar upstream and a splitter plate downstream
    Yuan Ma, M. M. Rashidi, Zhi-gang Yang(949)
Evaluation of the hemolysis and fluid dynamics of a ventricular assist device under the pulsatile flow condition
    Huan Li, Zhe Gou, Feng Huang, Xiao-dong Ruan, Wen-wei Qian, Xin Fu(965)
A new method of dynamic mesh used in continuous guide vane closure of a reversible pump-turbine in generating mode
    Xiu-li Mao, Yuan Zheng, Giorgio Pavesi, Zhan-shan Xie(976)
Impacts of vegetation over bedforms on flow characteristics in gravel-bed rivers
    Hossein Afzalimehr, Mohammad Reza Maddahi, Jueyi Sui, Majid Rahimpour(986)
Numerical modeling of nonlinear sloshing of liquid in a container coupled with barge subjected to regular excitation
J. Stephen, S. A. Sannasiraj, V. Sundar(999)
Development and application of moment method on nanoparticles evolution due to coagulation and deposition
    Guang-ping Xu, Jia-song Wang(1011)
Computational study of bubbly jets in stagnant water
    Yan-xu Wang, Ze-gao Yin, Wenming Zhang, David Z. Zhu(1021)
General explicit solutions of most economic sections and applications for trapezoidal and parabolic channels
Yan-cheng Han, Said M. Easa, Xue-ping Gao(1034)
Emergent vegetation flow with varying vertical porosity
    Ming-deng Zhao, Zi-long Fan(1043)
Effects of vegetation patch density on flow velocity characteristics in an open channel
    Wen-qi Li, Dan Wang, Jun-li Jiao, Ke-jun Yang(1052)
Influences of the diameter of the balance hole on the flow characteristics in the hub cavity of the centrifugal pump
    Wei Dong , Wu-li Chu, Zai-lun Liu(1060)


Multi-lens stereo reconstruction of wave surface in a wave basin
    Qian Wang, Yong-liu Fang, Hua Liu(1069)




JHD B辑目录2019年第31卷第4期




Experimental and numerical study of regular waves past a submerged breakwater
Bi-jin Liu, Du Cheng, Zhao-chen Sun, Xi-zeng Zhao, Yong Chen, Wei-dong Lin(641)
An improved predictive-corrective incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for fluid flow modelling
    Chong Peng, Christoph Bauinger, Kamil Szewc, Wei Wu, Hui Cao(654)
The surge-heave-pitch coupling motions of the type vertical axis wind turbine supported by the truss Spar floating foundation
    Ying Guo, Li-qin Liu, Yan Li, Chang-shui Xiao, You-gang Tang(669)
Numerical investigation of edge configurations on piston-modal resonance in a moonpool induced by heaving excitations
    Sheng-chao Jiang, Pei-wen Cong, Lei Sun, Chang-feng Liu(682)
The applicability of vortex identification methods for complex vortex structures in axial turbine rotor passages
    Yu-fan Wang, Wei-hao Zhang, Xia Cao, Hong-kai Yang(700)
Experimental and numerical studies on the cavitation over flat hydrofoils with and without obstacle
Ling-xin Zhang, Ming Chen, Jian Deng, Xue-ming Shao(708)
Lattice Boltzmann method for simulating flows in open-channel with partial emergent rigid vegetation cover
Zhong-hua Yang, Feng-peng Bai, Wen-xin Huai, Cheng-guang Li(717)
Interior non-uniformity of acoustically excited oscillating gas bubbles
    Yu-ning Zhang, Xiao-fei Li, Zhong-yu Guo, Yu-ning Zhang(725)
The effect of impeller slot jet on centrifugal pump performance
    Ren-hui Zhang, Li-chen Yun, Jing Li(733)
Longitudinal dispersion coefficients of pollutants in compound channels with vegetated floodplains
 Li Gu, Xin-xin Zhao, Ling-hang Xing, Zi-nan Jiao, Zu-lin Hua, Xiao-dong Liu(740)
Research of cavitation characteristics of RCP based on section-constrained blades
    Rong-sheng Zhu, Jun-jun Kang, Qiang Fu, Xiu-li Wang, Zong-liang Chen, Yong-gang Lu, Yong Liu(750)
Experimental study of the dissipation of supersaturated TDG during the jet breakup process
    Hong-cheng Xue, Qian Ma, Ran Li, Ming-jun Diao, David Z. Zhu, Jing-ying Lu(760)
Pressure dynamics of asymmetrically fractured wells in an arbitrarily shaped reservoir
    Yu-long Zhao, Bao-chao Shan, Lie-hui Zhang(767)
Numerical investigation of the effects of aquatic plants on wind-induced currents in Taihu Lake in China
    Tian-ping Xu, Ming-liang Zhang, Heng-zhi Jiang, Jun Tang, Hong-xing Zhang, Hui-ting Qiao(778)
Study of the internal characteristics of the stall in a centrifugal pump with a cubic non-linear SGS model
    Xian-bei Huang, Zhu-qing Liu, Yao-jun Li, Wei Yang, Qiang Guo(788)
A numerical piston-type wave-maker toolbox for the open-source library OpenFOAM
    Dong-xu Wang, Jia-wen Sun, Jin-song Gui, Zhe Ma, De-zhi Ning, Ke-zhao Fang(800)
Hull forms of small high-speed wave-piercing monohull crafts and hydrodynamics study
Cheng-zhu Wei, Ying-hui Li, Xiao-feng Liang, Hong Yi(814)
A compact streamfunction-velocity scheme for the 2-D unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in arbitrary curvilinear coordinates
    Jian-xin Qiu, Bo Peng, Zhen-fu Tian(827)
Negative refraction of deep water waves through water channel network
    Takahito Iida, Masashi Kashiwagi(840)
Degradation of refractory pollutants by hydrodynamic cavitation: Key parameters to degradation rates
    Zhi-yong Dong, Kai Zhang, Rui-hao Yao(848)