JHD A辑目录2019年第34卷第3期


目  次


耿添, 刘桦(275)
马慧敏, 刘长根, 董娇娇(283)
缪爱琴, 万德成(291)
赵晓杰, 宗智, 姜宜辰,等(299)
白帆, 孙仁(308)
宋付权, 宋兴兴, 龙运前,等(317)
张新宇, 王骁, 蔡烽,等(323)
张俊伟, 张伟, 夏鹏,等(331)
伍海华, 邹早建(339)
潘毅, 刘烨, 周子骏,等(346)
闫思娜, 罗兴锜, 冯建军,等(353)
程友良, 刘鑫, 汪辉(361)
陈靖, 李大鸣, 郝莹,等(367)
宁利中, 张珂, 宁碧波,等(377)
覃颢然, 华渊, 王庄(384)
谌童, 孙姣, 孙康福,等(395)
王新端, 白丹, 郭霖(401)


Journal of Hydrodynamics 2019年第2期目次

JHD B辑目录2019年第31卷第3期




A review of transient flow structure and unsteady mechanism of cavitating flow
Biao Huang, Si-cong Qiu, Xiang-bin Li, Qin Wu, Guo-yu Wang(429)


A Liutex based definition and identification of vortex core center lines
    Yi-sheng Gao, Jian-ming Liu, Yi-fei Yu, Chaoqun Liu(445)
Objective Omega vortex identification method
    Jian-ming Liu, Yi-sheng Gao, Yi-qian Wang, Chaoqun Liu(455)
Explicit formula for the Liutex vector and physical meaning of vorticity based on the Liutex-Shear decomposition
    Yi-qian Wang, Yi-sheng Gao, Jian-ming Liu, Chaoqun Liu(464)
Cavitation vortex dynamics of unsteady sheet/cloud cavitating flows with shock wave using different vortex identification methods
    Chang-chang Wang, Ying Liu, Jie Chen, Fu-yi Zhang, Biao Huang, Guo-yu Wang(475)
Comparative assessment and analysis of Rortex vortex in swirling jets
    Nan Gui, Liang Ge, Peng-xin Cheng, Xing-tuan Yang, Ji-yuan Tu, Sheng-yao Jiang(495)
Hydraulic resistance of river ice jams
Lin Fan, Ze-yu Mao, Hung Tao Shen(504)
Experimental investigation of combined vibrations for a hydrofoil-rod system at low Reynold numbers
Ren-feng Wang, Ke Chen, Francis Nobelesse, Yun-xiang You, Wei Li(512)
Numerical study of a guide-vane-augmented vertical darrieus tidal-current- turbine
    Zhen Liu, Zhi-meng Wang, Hong-da Shi, Heng-liang Qu(522)
An investigation on HOBEM in evaluating ship wave of high speed displacement ship
    Xi Chen, Ren-chuan Zhu, Ya-lan Song, Ju Fan(531)
A time domain three-dimensional sono-elastic method for ships’ vibration and acoustic radiation analysis in water
    Ming-song Zou, You-sheng Wu, Can Sima, Shu-xiao Liu(542)
Productivity analysis of a fractured horizontal well in a shale gas reservoir based on discrete fracture network model
    Yu-long Zhao, Nan-ying Li, Lie-hui Zhang, Rui-han Zhang(552)
Moving of a submarine under an ice cover in fluid of finite depth
    Alexandra V. Pogorelova, Vitali L. Zemlyak, Victor M. Kozin(562)
RANS feasibility study of using roughness to mimic transition strip effect on the crossflowseparation over a 6:1 prolate-spheroid
    Mojtaba M. Amiri, Marcelo A. Vitola, Sergio H. Sphaier, Paulo T. Esperança(570)
A direct coupling analysis method of hydroelastic responses of VLFS in complicated ocean geographical environment
Jun Ding, You-sheng Wu, Ye Zhou, Zhi-wei Li, Chao Tian, Xue-feng Wang,Zheng-wei Zhang,Xiao-long Liu(582)
Effects of air relief openings on the mitigation of solitary wave forces on bridge decks
    Sheng-chao Xiao, An-xin Guo(594)
Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic environment effects of the reclamation project of Nanhui tidal flat in Yangtze Estuary
    Di-fan Cao, Yong-ming Shen, Mei-rong Su, Chun-xue Yu(603)
Hydrodynamic improvement of a goose-head pattern braided reach in lower Yangtze River
Wen-hong Dai, Wei Ding(614)
Suppression of vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible riser by adding helical strakes
    Dong-yang Chen, Laith K. Abbas, Guo-ping Wang, Xiao-ting Rui, Wei-jie Lu(622)


Mathematical foundation of turbulence generation-From symmetric to asymmetric Liutex
    Jian-ming Liu, Yue Deng, Yi-sheng Gao, Sita Charkrit , Chaoqun Liu(632)
Application of the hybrid RANS/LES method on the hydraulic dynamic performance of centrifugal pumps
    Zheng-chuan Zhang, Hong-xun Chen, Zheng Ma, Qun Wei, Jian-wu He, Hui Liu, Chao Liu(637)

JHD A辑目录2019年第34卷第2期


目  次


倪宝玉, 刘晨辉, 胡文进,等(141)
王帝, 万德成(149)
张伟, 夏鹏, 朱兵(159)
史舒婧, 梁东方, 黄杰,等(166)
张志猛, 及春宁, 许栋,等(174)
丘文桢, 冒羽, 宋兴宇,等(184)
林泽鹏, 徐圣卓, 包芸(193)
王哲, 邓迪, 万德成(201)
王春生, 蔡明钰, 仪记敏,等(210)
孙耀华, 肖福勤, 陈作钢,等(218)
基于黏性修正SST k-ω模型的水翼空化流数值模拟计算
陈铠杰, 万德成(224)
杨玉宝, 潘毅, 陈永平,等(232)
杨敏, 孟珣(238)
李金宣, 吴雪, 柳淑学,等(248)
肖柏青, 张政, 戎贵文(258)
周其航, 雷明慧, 马旭东,等(266)


Journal of Hydrodynamics 2019年第1期目次


Numerical simulation on the interaction between two-dimensional Stokes wave and multiple ice floes
NI Bao-Yu, LIU Chen-Hui, HU Wen-Jin, et al. (141)
Numerical simulation on motion response of horizontal cylindrical point-absorbing wave energy converters
WANG Di, WAN De-cheng (149)
Identification and analysis of flow structure in a rotating channel
ZHANG Wei, XIA Peng, ZHU Bing (159)
Three-dimensional modeling of scour around underwater pipes
SHI Shu-jing, LIANG Dong-fang, HUANG Jie, et al. (166)
Response and wake characteristics of vortex-induced vibrations of three tandem circular cylinders with the upstream cylinder fixed
ZHANG Zhi-meng, JI Chun-ning, Xu Dong, CHEN Wei-lin, et al. (174)
Airgap prediction of semi-submersible platform based on coupled time-domain analysis
QIU Wen-zhen, MAO Yu, SONG Xing-yu, et al. (184)
Phenomenon of temperature drift and distribution characteristics of partitioned convection system
 LIN Ze-peng, XU Sheng-zhuo, BAO Yun (193)
Numerical simulations of vortex-induced vibrations of flexible cylinder with varying tensions based on CFD method
WANG Zhe, DENG Di, WAN De-cheng (201)
Numerical simulation of severe slugging in pipeline – catenary riser
WANG Chun-sheng, CAI Ming-yu, YI Ji-min , et al. (210)
Numerical research on current load of floating square array in floating PV power station
KONG Yao-hua, XIAO Fu-qin, CHEN Zuo-gang, et al. (218)
Numerical simulation on cavitation flow of hydrofoil with viscosity-modified SST k-ω turbulence model
CHEN Kai-jie, WAN De-cheng (224)
Analysis of the evolution of beach profiles in a low-energy sandy beach with a submerged berm
YANG Yu-bao, PAN Yi, CHEN Yong-ping, et al. (232)
Response characteristics analysis of vortex-induced motions of deep draft semi-submersible platform using SST-IDDES
YANG Min, MENG Xun (238)
Study on the phenomenon of high-frequency response of vertical cylinders under steep waves
LI Jin-xuan, WU Xue, LIU Shu-xue, et al. (248)
Numerical study on flow turbulence characteristics in vortex settling chamber
XIAO Bai-qing, ZHANG Zheng, RONG Gui-wen (258)
Optimal experimental study on flaring gate pier shape of river bed hydropower station with deep tail water
ZHOU Qi-hang, LEI Ming-hui, MA Xu-dong, et al. (266)

JHD B辑目录2019年第31卷第2期



Third generation of vortex identification methods: Omega and Liutex/Rortex based systems
Chaoqun Liu, Yi-sheng Gao, Xiang-rui Dong, Yi-qian Wang, Jian-ming Liu, Yu-ning Zhang,
Xiao-shu Cai, Nan Gui


Comparisons and analyses of vortex identification between Omega method and  criterion
    Yu-ning Zhang, Xiao-yu Wang, Yu-ning Zhang, Chaoqun Liu(224)
A study of boundary vorticity dynamics and identification of large-scale structures in flow field based on two-dimensional flow around a bluff body
    Da-peng Zhang, Yu-zhu Chen, Xi-lin Xie(231)
Galilean invariance of Omega vortex identification method
    Jian-ming Liu, Yi-qian Wang, Yi-sheng Gao, Chaoqun Liu(249)
Hidden flow structures in compressible mixing layer and a quantitative analysis of entrainment based on Lagrangian method
    Geng Liang, Bin Yu, Bin Zhang, Hui Xu, Hong Liu(256)
The visualization of turbulent coherent structure in open channel flow
    Xiao-dong Bai, Wei Zhang, Qing-he Fang, Yong Wang, Jin-hai Zheng, An-xin Guo(266)


The structure of turbulent flow through submerged flexible vegetation
Wen-xin Huai, Jiao Zhang, Gabriel G. Katul, Yong-guang Cheng, Xue Tang, Wei-jie Wang
Numerical simulation of bubble detachment at submerged orifice and analysis of interface stability
Xian-xian Yu, Yi-wei Wang, Chen-guang Huang, Te-zhuan Du
Study of pollutant transport in depth-averaged flows using random walk method
    Xue-fei Wu, Dongfang Liang(303)
Scalar transport by propagation of an internal solitary wave over a slope-shelf
    Jin Xu, Ling-ling Wang, Hong-wu Tang, Zhu Hai, John James Reginald Williams(317)
Direct numerical simulation of the viscoelastic channel flow using Giesekus model with variable parameters
    Wei-guo Gu, Yu Li, De-zhong Wang(326)
Multi-objective optimization of the kinematic parameters of fish-like swimming using a genetic algorithm method
    Mahdi Abolfazli Esfahani, Hamid Reza Karbasian, Kyung Chun Kim(333)
Response of a slender cylindrical member under breaking wave impact
    Manjula R., Sannasiraj S. A(345)
Study of flow characteristics within randomly distributed submerged rigid vegetation
    Paromita Chakraborty, Arindam Sarkar(358)
Investigation of the stability and hydrodynamics of Tetrosomus gibbosus carapace in different pitch angles
Mahyar Malekidelarestaqi, Alireza Riasi, Hadi Moradi, Mohammad Samadpour(368)
Pitch control strategy before the rated power for variable speed wind turbines at high altitudes
    Ming-wei Ge, Wei-ming Ke, Hong-xia Chen(379)
Analysis of the flow characteristics of the high-pressure supercritical carbon dioxide jet
Man Huang, Yong Kang, Xiao-chuan Wang, Yi Hu, Can Cai(389)
Numerical study on variation characteristics of the unsteady bearing forces of a propeller with an external transverse excitation
Min-hua Shu, Ke Chen, Yun-xiang You, Tian-qun Hu, Ren-feng Wang(400)
Three-dimensional flow field simulation of steady flow in the serrated diffusers and nozzles of valveless micro-pumps
    Ying-hua Xu, Wei-ping Yan, Kai-rong Qin, Tun Cao(413)
Effectiveness of radiative heat flux in MHD flow of Jeffrey-nanofluid subject to Brownian and thermophoresis diffusions
Muhammad Ijaz Khan, Tasawar Hayat, Muhammad Waqas, Ahmed Alsaedi, Muhammad Imran Khan(421)

Third Generation of Vortex Identification Methods – Omega and Liutex/Rortex based Systems 编者按

Third-generation-of-vortex-identification-methods-Omega-and-LiutexRortex-based-systems.pdf (下载5154)

美国德克萨斯大学艾灵顿分校刘超群团队即将在JHD2019年第2期发表的第三代涡识别方法:Omega and Liutex/Rortex based Systems的新论文,这个涡识别方法是一个升级换代的方法。Omega and Liutex/Rortex based Systems不仅具有比前两代识别方法众多优点,更为重要的是他不仅把涡看成是一种流动现象而且给出了涡的明确数学定义,有大小,有方向而成为流场中一种驱动力。


周连第 水动力学研究与进展杂志执行主编
