


12日上午,基金委湍流重大研究计划首席科学家陈十一院士、中国空气动力学研究与发展中心钱炜祺研究员、哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)Bernd R. Noack教授、西北工业大学张伟伟教授分别做大会报告,并发布了全球首个面向航空航天的高雷诺数湍流数据库“AeroFlowData”。







Spectral and statistical analysis of bow wave breaking characteristics of KCS ship
Xin-yi Li, Feng-jun Bao, Jian-hua Wang, De-cheng Wan, Jian Xu (593)
Comparison of DES and URANS: Estimation of fluctuating pressure from URANS simulations in stilling basins
Kang Liu, Hao-ran Wang, Yong-can Chen, Hui Xie, Zhao-Wei Liu (609)
Numerical investigation on local resonance within an array of C-shaped cylinders in water waves
Jin Xu, De-zhi Ning, Li-fen Chen, Huan-wen Liu (624)
Numerical study of the acoustic spectrum of bubble clusters
Fu-qiang Deng, Di Zhao, Ling-xin Zhang, Yang Li, Xue-ming Shao (637)
Large eddy simulations of zinc ions transfer to turbulent flows from hyporheic zone
Yi-ming Jin, Jin-feng Chen, Jin-long Zhang, Ze-hao Zhao, Dong-liang Fan, Yu-hong Dong (650)
Investigation on the width-to-depth ratio effect on turbulent flows in a sharp meandering channel with periodic boundaries using large eddy simulations
Bing-chang Zhang, Dong Xu, Chun-ning Ji, Qi-hua Ran (662)
Numerical study of air cavity characteristics of bow wave breaking of KCS ship under different speeds
Tian-yi Mao, Feng-jun Bao, Jian-hua Wang, De-cheng Wan, Zhao-jie Wang (678)
Actuator line method flow structures and morphology interaction around a monopile-supported tidal stream turbine using the actuator line-Sediment transport coupling simulation
Xiang-feng Lin, Ji-sheng Zhang, Jin-hai Zheng, Da-wei Guan, Xu Deng (693)
Experimental investigations on characteristics of water-air two-phase flows during water-fillings in undulation pipelines
Xue-lin Tang, Zong-ku Liu, Ling Zhang, Xiao-qin Li (706)
New proposals for coupling cavitation models with laminar/turbulent transition models: application to a  cavitation sheet over a NACA 16 012
Jean Decaix (725)
Evaluation of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes turbulence models in open channel flow over salmon redds
Bishal Bhattarai, Brandon Hilliard, Daniele Tonina, William J. Reeder, Ralph Budwig, Benjamin T. Martin, Tao Xing (741)
Effects of logjams on river hydrodynamics under inundation conditions
Huai-jian Bao, Ping Wang, Wei-jie Wang, Yu-yan Liu, Tian-jiao Feng (757)
Heat transfer and flow structure in centrally-confined 2-D Rayleigh-Bénard convection
Cong Sun, Jian-zhao Wu, Xiao-hui Meng, Cai-xi Liu, Wei Xu, Yu-hong Dong, Quan Zhou (772)
Analysis of clearance flow of a fuel pump based on dynamical mode decomposition
Wei-long Guang, Qiang Liu, Fa-ye Jin, Ran Tao, Ruo-fu Xiao (781)


The influence of drag parameter on submerged vegetation flow simulation using a porous approach
Meng-yang Liu, Yi-sen Wang, Yi-qing Gong, Shu-xia Wang (796)
Editorial Message(802)


Numerical Study on Spatiotemporal Evolution of Vortex Flow During Transition Process of Shutdown Fault of Large Vertical Centrifugal Pumps
Luo Wenhua, Yang Gang, Shen Xi, Zhang Desheng, Meng Jia, Hu Jingning  (473)
Mechanism of Vortex-induced Vibration of Cylinder with Two Degrees of Freedom under Shear-thinning Carreau-Yasuda Fluid Excitation
Zhang Xuyan, Ma Xi, He Tao  (483)
Application of Fluid-solid Thermal Coupling Analysis Technology of AP Series Canned Motor Pump Rotor Components
Li Jinghao, Sun Peidong, Zheng Gang, Wu Manxia  (493)
Influence of Heave Plates on Dynamic Responses of a Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine
Li Haoran, Peng Jingfu, Zheng Jinhai, Zhang Jisheng, Peng Wei, Zhang Xuan  (500)
Numerical Simulation Study on Water Entry of Cylinder in Wave Field Environment
Liu Longxiang, Chen Ying  (509)
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Water Conveyance System of new Vertical Shaft-type Water-saving Lock
Cui Shihao, Xue Hongcheng, Chen Ming, Ma Qian, Shen Yansong  (522)
Effect of Inlet Drainage on Cavitation Performance of High-speed Centrifugal Pumps
Kong Yunshan, Li Yibin, Feng Zhonghui, Guo Xinzhen, Wang Hao  (531)
Influence of Partially-covered Artificial Ecological Floating Island on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Open Channel Flow
Yang Fan, Li Qian, Zeng Yuhong  (540)
Numerical Simulation on Flow-induced Vibration Response of Two Tandem Arranged Cylinders in Channel
Lin Yongjie, Li Xinyu, Hu Xiao, Xu Hao, Zhou Yuhao, Zhu Zuchao, Chang Zhengxi (549)
CFD-DEM Numerical Simulation of the Initial Evolution of Local Scour Forms of Vertical Cylinder
Shi Jiaming, Zhang Jingxin  (558)
Study on Impact of Water Hammer Effect on Wellhead Pressure Fluctuations under Condition of Shutting-in High-yield Oil Wells
Ding Liangliang, Wang Kai, Tian Jialing, Wang Yu, Wang Yuwen  (566)
One-layer Particle Level Set Method for Numerical Simulation of Two-phase Flow
Zhou Tao, Xu Xinyi, Mu Kailong, Mao Jia, Zhao Lanhao  (578)
Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Tandem Flapping Wings
Wang Dingwen, Wang Qian  (587)
Research on Two-Dimensional Wave Deterministic Prediction Based on Impulse Response Function
Li Jinxuan, Li Jieqiong, Liu Shuxue  (599)
Numerical Investigation on Coupling Hydrodynamics of Cylinder and Nets of Semi-submersible Aquaculture Net Cage under Uniform Flow
Chen Cheng, Wang Hanbin, Zhang Xueyan, Zhang Xiantao  (606)
Numerical Simulation on Cavitating Flow of Hydrofoil with Data-driven RANS Model
Chen Zhuo, Deng Jian  (615)
Quantitative Phase Infiltration and Water Drive Characteristics of Different Scale Reservoir Space in Dengying Formation Gas Reservoir
Xiong Yu, Lei Tingting, Sun Zewei, Jiang Jun, Fu Xitong, Feng Pengxin, Zhang Chun, Wang Linghong, Zhao Zihan, Xiong Feng  (626)
Study on Well Testing Model of Fracturing Horizontal Wells in Multi Connected Areas of Tight Gas Reservoirs based on Boundary Element Method
Zhao Yulong, Feng Haoyan, Cui Qianchen, Xiao Yao, Li Hongxi, Hou Xiaoben, Zhang Liehui  (638)


Study on Data Assimilation and Multi-condition Generalization of Slope Flow Separation
Wu Rong, Li Zhiyang, He Chuangxin, Liu Yingzheng  (303)
Impact of Water Intake and Drainage from River Water Source Heat Pump Energy Stations on Water Temperature of Surrounding Rivers
Jiang Aili, He Wei, Zhang Jian, Yu Xiaodong, Chen Sheng, Xu Hui  (313)
Simulation of Gas-Liquid Two-phase Flow in Disc Pump under Different Inflow Bubble Diameters
Xia Yifan, Cui Qingqing, Qiu Rangjia, Jiang Qifeng, Zhang Weibin, Heng Yaguang, Xiong Ping  (320)
Suppression of Cavitation Inducer by Cavitation Division Effect of Blade Gap
Wang Xiaohui, Li Kejian, Miao Senchun, Shen Zhengjing, Zhang Kai  (330)
Analysis of Hull Forces and Changes in Paddle Thrust during Passage of a Ship Passing a Spur Dike
Zeng Qian, Ji Nan, Fan Xiaobiao, Ma Zhongxin, Deng Xiaobing  (340)
Research Progress on Energy Dissipation and Aeration Technology in Flood Discharge Shaft
Si Cailong, Wang Yongning, Bai Yanli, Xu Chao, Nan Junhu  (349)
Fast Simulations of Complex Wake Flows around Wind Farm
Cui Teng, Xu Shun, Wan Decheng  (357)
Numerical Study on Severe Slug Flow in Declined Pipe-Riser System
Zhu Hongjun, Li Jianan, Gao Yue  (363)
Experimental and Numerical Study of Wave-breaking on Reef Flat
Wang Zilin, Zhang Chi, Li Yuan, Chen Songgui, Chen Shubin, Chi Shanhang, Sui Titi, Wang Gang (372)
Prediction of Vortex-induced Vibration Problem Based on Improved Multi-fidelity Gaussian Process Regression Method
Xu Lihua, Tian Zhongxu, Fan Dixia, Wang Jiasong  (382)
Research on Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Spatial Evolution of Flow Noise of High-speed Submarine
Yuan Yifang, Han Lei, Dong Wei, Zhao Yun  (392)
Research on Flow Induced Noise Characteristics of Centrifugal Pump Based on Biomimetic Design of Shark Backfin
Cheng Tao, Fu Jie, Jin Yongxin, Pan Xiaoyu, Yang Long  (404)
Research on Real-time Reconstruction Method of Two-dimensional Wave Field of X-band Radar Based on Deep Learning Autoencoder
Ma Ziwei, Guo Xiaoxian, Lu Wenyue, Li Xin  (414)
Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Two-dimensional Single Elliptical Cylinder under Oscillatory Flow
Ruan Li, Yu Dingyong, Li Xianqi, Fang Ziang  (425)
Underground Space Flood Process under Extreme Rainstorm Based on a One-dimensional and Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic Coupling Model
Li Xinyue, Hou Jingming, Liu Yuan, Wang Tian, Li Donglai, Pan Xinxin, Li Peng, Gao Xujun  (434)
Numerical Analysis of Hydroelasticity Response of Ultra Large Container Ship Using CFD-MBD
He Fan, Wang Jianhua, Wan Decheng, Liu Cong, Liu Yi  (442)
Numerical Simulation of Single Ice Floe Motion Response under Actions of Wind, Wave and Current
Wang Yihan, Sun Linhua, Ni Baoyu  (452)
Short-term Nonlinear Wave Field Prediction Based on Ensemble Kalman Filter
Zhang Linfeng1, Liu Zeng  (463)