Determination of epsilon for Omega vortex identification method
    Xiang-rui Dong(董祥瑞), Yi-qian Wang(王义乾), Xiao-ping Chen(陈小平), Yinlin Dong,Yu-ning Zhang(张宇宁), Chaoqun Liu(541)
Transient curvilinear-coordinate based fully nonlinear model for wave propagation and interactions with curved boundaries
    Yu-Hsiang Chen, Keh-Han Wang(549)
Tracer advection in a pair of adjacent side-wall cavities, and in a rectangular channel containing two groynes in series
    Mohammad Mahdi Jalali, Alistair G. L. Borthwick(564)
Numerical simulation of transient turbulent cavitating flows with special emphasis on shock wave dynamics considering the water/vapor compressibility
  Chang-chang Wang (王畅畅), Biao Huang (黄彪), Guo-yu Wang (王国玉), Zhong-ping Duan (段忠平),Bin Ji (季斌)
On the nonlinear transformation of breaking and non-breaking waves induced by a weakly submerged shelf
    Giorgio Contento, Guido Lupieri, Thomas Puzzer(592)
Investigation of the hydrodynamic performance of crablike robot swimming leg
    Li-quan Wang (王立权), Hai-long Wang (王海龙), Gang Wang (王刚), Xi Chen (陈曦), Asker Khan,Li-xing Jin (靳励行)(605)
A well-balanced positivity preserving two-dimensional shallow flow model with wetting and drying fronts over irregular topography
    Gang-feng Wu (吴钢锋), Zhi-guo He (贺治国), Liang Zhao (赵亮), Guo-hua Liu (刘国华)(618)
Navigable flow condition simulation based on two-dimensional hydrodynamic parallel model
    Shang-hong Zhang (张尚弘), Yu Wu (吴昱), Zhu Jing (荆柱), Yu-jun Yi (易雨君)(632)
Experimental and numerical investigations of the aerodynamic noise reduction of automotive side view mirrors
    Xin Chen (陈鑫), Shuo Wang (汪硕), Yuan-qiang Wu (吴元强), Yan-yang Li (李延洋), Huai-yu Wang (王怀玉)(642)
Dominant factor and incremental depth formula for self-aerated flow in open channel
    Rui-di Bai (白瑞迪), Fa-xing Zhang (张法星), Wei Wang (王韦), Shanjun LIU (刘善均)(651)
Scale adaptive simulation of vortex structures past a square cylinder
    Javad Aminian(657)
The effects of the rotor-stator interaction on unsteady pressure pulsation and radial force in a centrifugal pump
    Issa Chalghoum , Sami Elaoud , Hatem Kanfoudi , Mohsen Akrout(672)
Numerical and experimental investigation of three-dimensionality in the dam-break flow against a vertical wall
    Mohamed M. Kamra, Nik Mohd, Cheng Liu, Makoto Sueyoshi, Changhong Hu(682)
Comparison of hydrodynamic influence between different types of bay reclamations
    Xue-feng Xu (许雪峰), Qi-qi He (何齐齐), Dan Song (宋丹), Zhong-liang Yang (杨忠良), Liang-liang Yu (俞亮亮)(694)
Transient temperature and pressure calculation model of a wellbore for dual gradient drilling
    Xue-rui Wang (王雪瑞), Bao-jiang Sun (孙宝江), Ping-ya Luo (罗平亚), Zhi-yuan Wang (王志远),Ning Wang (王宁), Ke Ke (柯珂), Hui Zhang (张辉)(701)
Transient air-water flow patterns in the vent tube in hydropower tailrace system simulated by 1-D-3-D coupling method
    Xi-chen Wang (王希晨), Jian Zhang (张健), Xiao-dong Yu (俞晓东), Sheng Chen (陈胜)(715)
Finite element analysis of nitric oxide (NO) transport in system of permeable capillary and tissue
    Ya-jie Wei (魏雅洁), Ying He (贺缨), Yuan-liang Tang (唐元梁), Li-zhong Mu (母立众)(722)
Effects of Froude number and geometry on water entry of a 2-D ellipse
    Xu Zhang (张旭), Pei-qing Liu (刘沛清), Qiu-lin Qu (屈秋林), Rui Wang (王睿), Ramesh K. Agarwal(738)


Large eddy simulation of tip leakage cavitating flow focusing on cavitation-vortex interaction with Cartesian cut-cell mesh method
Xiao-rui Bai白晓蕊), Huai-yu Cheng (程怀玉), Bin Ji (季斌), Xin-ping Long (龙新平)(750)
Roughness height of submerged vegetation in flow based on spatial structure
Wei-jie Wang (王伟杰), Wen-qi Peng (彭文启), Wen-xin Huai (槐文信), Xiao-dong Qu (渠晓东),Fei Dong (董飞), Jian Feng (冯健)(754)
Non-invasive image processing method to map the spatiotemporal evolution of solute concentration in two-dimensional porous media
Jia-zhong Qian (钱家忠), Ze-kun Wang (王泽坤), R. M. Garrard , Yong Zhang, Lei Ma (马雷)(758)


2nd International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Soil-Water-Structure Interaction
Call For Papers < The 3rd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow >
Editorial Message



Motion response analysis of a deep-water floating wind turbine system on waves
CHEN Xi, FAN Ju, MIAO Guo-ping, et al. (409)
Three-dimensional study of the flow around emergent rigid vegetation patches
YANG Qi, LIANG Dong-fang, ZHANG Jing-xin, et al. (420)
CFD investigation on the energy-saving mechanism of propeller boss cap fins
Xu Lu-rong, WAN De-cheng (428)
The research of wave-generating in 3-D numerical wave tank based on Level-set method
FENG Da-kui, LU Jing-jing, WEI Peng, et al. (435)
An experimental study of runup and interaction of triple solitary waves on a gentle slope
PENG Yong, WU Wei, LIU Hua (445)
Research on the propulsive performance of flapping foil at low Reynolds number
LI Yong-cheng, WANG Jian, ZHAO Qiao-sheng, et al. (455)
The numerical simulation on pipeline transport of coarse particles based on Eulerian–Lagrangian model
XIONG Ting, CHEN Qian-yi, WU Qiang, et al. (461)
Investigation on the load characteristics of spar platform with spiral strakes under internal solitary waves
LI Fei, YOU Yun-xiang, CHEN Ke (470)
Application of improved hydrodynamic parameters model for solute transport problem in unsaturation soil
REN Chang-Jiang, WANG Jian-Hua, ZHAO Yong, et al. (480)
Advection and diffusion characteristics of a summer thermal discharge in Qinhuangdao coastal water
FENG Jia-wei, GU Jie, KUANG Cui-ping, et al. (490)
Quartic Hermite spline with parameter for river channel reconstruction and application research
ZHI Zai-xing, LI Zhan-bin, HOU Jing-ming, et al. (500)
Numerical computation and analysis of unsteady force for marine propeller operating behind a SWATH ship
HU Jing-feng, WANG Ping, CHANG Hao-bin, et al. (508)
Influence of separation ratio on defect characteristics of traveling wave convection
NING Li-zhong, LIU Shuang, NING Bi-bo, et al. (515)
Large eddy simulation of flow past a square cylinder with rounded leading corners
YAO Shi-chuan, SHI Liu-liu, GUO Peng (522)
Study on the influence of different aeration facilities on negative pressure and dissipation rate of integrated dissipators
YE Xiao-sheng, YANG Ju-rui, ZHANG Qin, et al. (530)


2018年研讨会-总目录.pdf (5059 downloads)

1大会报告.pdf (6098 downloads)

44分会场报告.pdf (5242 downloads)

162水动力学基础.pdf (5057 downloads)

302水动力学试验与测试技术2-1.pdf (5180 downloads)

370水动力学试验与测试技术2-2.pdf (8181 downloads)

453计算流体力学2-1.pdf (5227 downloads)

586计算流体力学2-2.pdf (5214 downloads)

773工业流体力学.pdf (5107 downloads)

970船舶与海洋工程水动力学4-1.pdf (7264 downloads)

1053船舶与海洋工程水动力学4-2.pdf (4862 downloads)

1069船舶与海洋工程水动力学4-3.pdf (4949 downloads)

1125船舶与海洋工程水动力学4-4.pdf (10611 downloads)

1205海岸环境与水利水电和河流动力学2-1.pdf (5283 downloads)

1336海岸环境与水利水电和河流动力学-2-2.pdf (4846 downloads)





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