
顾懋祥(1923.1.25~1996.5.21),男,原籍江苏省太仓市,出生于吉林省长春市 。1945年上海雷士德工学院机械系毕业。1949年获美国密执安大学研究院造船与轮机系工程硕士学位。1995年当选为中国工程院院士。中国共产党党员,船舶与海洋工程、船舶性能研究和设计技术专家,中国工程院院士。

原中国船舶科学研究中心(七零二所)所长、研究员、名誉所长,原哈尔滨船舶工程学院教授、博士研究生导师,曾主持研制成功世界上第一艘气垫船及中国第一艘单水翼艇 。



创    刊    词


























“Journal of Hydrodynamics” was trial published in Chinese in 1984. Its purpose was to provide a journal where various aspects of domestic development in theoretical and experimental research in this field could be reflected and views exchanged ever since its formal publication in 1986. I was astonished by the support given by our readers as testified by the rapid growth in member organizations who are willing to co-sponsor the journal. At present we received contribution and support both academically and financially from 33 well known universities and research institutes in China.

The purpose of the English edition of the present journal is obvious. That is, to introduce to our international readers recent developments in hydrodynamics in China. I am grateful to the effect of our editorial board and doubly thankful to the support of our advisory editors both at home and abroad who have given us advice and support in publishing the English edition. Hydrodynamics is both old and young in China. To say it is old, the wisdom of Dujiang dam more than 2000 years ago is still a masterpiece in faming the roaring stream of the upper Yangtze. To say it is new, the development of theoretical and numerical hydrodynamics has been comparatively young as compared to aerodynamics in China and hydrodynamics abroad.

I feel therefore it is our obligation to our international colleagues to publish a journal where most of the important advances in this field in China could be traced. However, we equally welcome papers contributed from abroad.

To our theoretical readers, therefore, we appeal to your encouragement, support and criticism to make this journal a success.

Gu Maoxiang
Hon. Director, China Ship
Scientific Research Center
Chairman, Editorial Board of
Journal of Hydrodynamics

顾懋祥(1923.1.25~1996.5.21),男,原籍江苏省太仓市,出生于吉林省长春市 。1945 年上海雷士德工学院机械系毕业。1949 年获美国密执安大学研究院造船与轮机系工程硕士学位。原中国船舶科学研究中心(七零二所)所长、研究员、名誉所长,船舶与海洋工程、船舶
性能研究和设计技术专家,为我国船舶工程发展作出了贡献。1995 年当选为中国工程院院士。《水动力学研究与进展》奠基人。


About Journal of Hydrodynamics

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Hydrodynamics reflects the research activities in various areas of hydrodynamics related to ocean and ship engineering, environmental engineering, water conservancy and hydropower engineering, energy exploration, ocean and environmental engineering, and chemical engineering. These cover ship hydrodynamics, wave load and fluid-solid interactions, turbulence and boundary layer, cavitating flow and cavitation mechanics, multi-phase flow, pipe flow and open ditch flow, convection and diffusion, heat and mass transfer, bio-fluid mechanics, permeation fluid mechanics and other frontier disciplines. The journal presents the latest achievements in developing physical models and computational methods, theoretical and experimental studies, software development and test technologies. It offers a platform for exchanging experiences and information, enlivening academic thoughts and promoting the further development of hydrodynamic research and its applications in China and elsewhere.

This journal started in 1989 and now is bi-monthly published. From 2006, Elsevier issues the full text of the journal in PDF on the ScienceDirect. From 2018, Springer issues the full text of the journal in PDF on the Springerlink. Each article has a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The articles in the journal are also indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) in the Web of Sciences and the Compendex (EI) in the Engineering Village.


For more up-to-date information about this journal, please refer to
To download the full-text articles in PDF, please browse the web at

Guide for authors

Original research articles, reviews and letters to the editor will be considered for publication.

Manuscript should be written in good English. Poor writing may cause direct rejection or additional charge for language proofreading.

The family names of all the authors should be written in capital letters. Chinese authors are suggested to provide their Chinese names in parentheses. A short biography of the first author (including the birth year, gender, and professional title) and the email addresses of the first and the corresponding authors are required in the footnote of the first page.

The title should be concise but informative. The abstract is usually with 300 words, and should state briefly the purpose, the method, the principal results and major conclusions. At most 6 keywords are required. In the introduction, the objectives of the work and an adequate background should be fully provided. In the main body, the previously reported results and the new outputs of the present paper should be clearly stated. Abbreviations must be defined at their first mention there. At least 15 references with full information appear in the order of citation. Unpublished results are not recommended in the reference list. Recent references in the past five years are usually at the ratio of at least one-third.


Prospective authors may submit manuscripts online via the Editorial Manager (EM) at http://www.editorialmanager.com/IJHD.

The corresponding author is encouraged to suggest two overseas potential reviewers for the executive editorial committee’s consideration.

Final decision on a submitted manuscript will be made with at most five months. For questions on submission and reviewing process, one can contact the editorial office at jhdzhou@aliyun.com.