
Analysis of the flow characteristics of pump-jet propeller under different inflow conditions
XU Shun, JI Bin, LONG Xin-ping, et al. (411)
Investigation into influence factors of oil droplet coalescence in swirling flow field of vane-type hydrocyclone
GU Cheng-xi, LIU Shuo, HOU Lin-tong, et al. (420)
On frequency domain calculation method of delay function of floating offshore substation
TANG Qun-yi, CHEN Jie-feng, SUN Zhen-zhou, et al. (428)
Numerical and experimental study on sediment erosion of Francis turbine runner for hydropower stations
PANG Jia-yang, ZHANG Hui-zhong, YANG Jian-ming, et al. (436)
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the flow characteristics and local scour around closure dike with one-way closing
LI Deng-song, DAI Guang-qing, JIN Xing, et al. (444)
Numerical simulation of coupling of surface flow and underground pipe flow
ZHAO Shi-lin, JIN Sheng, YANG Ning (454)
Numerical study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of trapezoidal-section oscillator
TANG Tao, ZHU Hong-jun, ZHOU Tong-ming, et al. (461)
Experimental study on flow characteristics in compound open channel with rigid vegetation
ZHAO Wei-wei, JING He-fang, WANG Wei-hong, et al. (469)
Influence of guide plate on hydraulic performance of outlet conduit in large-scale slanted pump system
XU Lei, HUANG Guo-hao, SHI Wei, et al. (479)
The comparative analysis of water exchange characteristics under artificial island by Eulerian and Lagrangian method
YU Lu-lu, KUANG Cui-ping, GU Jie, et al. (488)
Analysis of generation mechanism of freak waves based on two wave groups
LI Jin-xuan, ZHANG Ya-rong, LIU Shu-xue, et al. (497)
Study on effect of rope on wave mechanical properties for net panel of pile-column type net enclosure
GUI Fu-kun, SHAO Zhen-yu, CHEN Tian-hua, et al. (505)
Mechanism and change law of water-air two-phase flood discharge atomization
ZHANG Yuan-ning, LIU Gang, TONG Fu-guo (515)
Influence of inclined angle on convection in an inclined cavity
NING Li-zhong, ZHANG Di, NING Bi-bo, et al. (526)
Numerical study of three-dimensional large density ratio droplet impact wall surface based on LBM pseudopotential model
LI Pei-sheng, LI Zhi-hao, HUANG Yi-chen, et al. (532)
Practical measure research on the spatial characteristics of lake currents in Lake Hongze
ZHANG Yi-hui, HU Wei-ping, PENG Zhao-liang, et al. (541)

Guidelines for Review Articles

There are three basic conditions for a review article:
1. More than 10 related papers have been published in this field.
2. The review articles must be cutting-edge. The thesis should not only comment on the scientific research results related to one’s own research, but explain the latest research status in this field from a global perspective. The literature review is not a comprehensive copy of the literature, it is not a simple listing of the literature, but a review of the cited papers as a senior expert, and the innovations and deficiencies of the results are proposed.
3. The review articles should be forward-looking. In addition to commenting on the existing results, the thesis should also give a special discussion on the development direction, research difficulties and development prospects of the field, which will lead and enlighten future scientific research. This is the essence of the review article.

Top Articles of JHD in 2019 (data from Springer-Nature)

Top-Articles-of-JHD-in-2019-data-from-Springer-Nature.docx (782 downloads)

1.Top 10 Full-Text Article Requests 2019 (all publication years)

Title Author Article Type Volume Issue Year* Article Requests 2019
1 Spectral/hp element methods: Recent developments, applications, and perspectives Hui Xu et al. Review Paper 30 1 2018 1,662
2 Third generation of vortex identification methods: Omega and Liutex/Rortex based systems Chaoqun Liu et al. Original Paper 31 2 2019 487
3 Application of deep learning method to Reynolds stress models of channel flow based on reduced-order modeling of DNS data Zhen Zhang et al. Original Paper 31 1 2019 278
4 Bubble dynamics and its applications Shi-Ping Wang et al. Review Paper 30 6 2018 220
5 A review of cavitation in hydraulic machinery Xian-wu Luo et al. Review Paper 28 3 2016 195
6 Development of naoe-FOAM-SJTU solver based on OpenFOAM for marine hydrodynamics Jian-hua Wang et al. Original Paper 31 1 2019 181
7 A selected review of vortex identification methods with applications Yu-ning Zhang et al. Original Paper 30 5 2018 149
8 Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and its applications in fluid-structure interactions A-man Zhang et al. Review Paper 29 2 2017 136
9 The structure of turbulent flow through submerged flexible vegetation Wen-xin Huai et al. Original Paper 31 2 2019 135
10 SPH modeling of fluid-structure interaction Luhui Han et al. Original Paper 30 1 2018 130

2.Top 10 Full-Text Article Requests 2019 (publication years 2017–2019)

Title Author Article Type Volume Issue Year* Article Requests 2019
1 Spectral/hp element methods: Recent developments, applications, and perspectives Hui Xu et al. Review Paper 30 1 2018 1,662
2 Third generation of vortex identification methods: Omega and Liutex/Rortex based systems Chaoqun Liu et al. Original Paper 31 2 2019 487
3 Application of deep learning method to Reynolds stress models of channel flow based on reduced-order modeling of DNS data Zhen Zhang et al. Original Paper 31 1 2019 278
4 Bubble dynamics and its applications Shi-Ping Wang et al. Review Paper 30 6 2018 220
5 Development of naoe-FOAM-SJTU solver based on OpenFOAM for marine hydrodynamics Jian-hua Wang et al. Original Paper 31 1 2019 181
6 A selected review of vortex identification methods with applications Yu-ning Zhang et al. Original Paper 30 5 2018 149
7 Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and its applications in fluid-structure interactions A-man Zhang et al. Review Paper 29 2 2017 136
8 The structure of turbulent flow through submerged flexible vegetation Wen-xin Huai et al. Original Paper 31 2 2019 135
9 Explicit formula for the Liutex vector and physical meaning of vorticity based on the Liutex-Shear decomposition Yi-qian Wang et al. Original Paper 31 3 2019 130
10 SPH modeling of fluid-structure interaction Luhui Han et al. Original Paper 30 1 2018 130

3.Top ranking highest cited 2016-2017 articles for IF Year 2018

Title Author Publication Type Publication Date DOI Volume Issue Total Citations* Citations for IF 2018
A review of cavitation in hydraulic machinery Luo, Xian-wu; Ji, Bin; Tsujimoto, Yoshinobu Review 01-06-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60638-8 28 3 95 25
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and its applications in fluid-structure interactions Zhang, A-man; Sun, Peng-nan; Ming, Fu-ren; Colagrossi, A. Review 01-04-2017 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60730-8 29 2 46 19
Large eddy simulation of turbulent attached cavitating flow with special emphasis on large scale structures of the hydrofoil wake and turbulence-cavitation interactions Ji, Bin; Long, Yun; Long, Xin-ping; Qian, Zhong-dong; Zhou, Jia-jian Article 01-02-2017 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60715-1 29 1 40 19
Verification and validation of URANS simulations of the turbulent cavitating flow around the hydrofoil Long, Yun; Long, Xin-ping; Ji, Bin; Huai, Wen-xin; Qian, Zhong-dong Article 01-08-2017 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60774-6 29 4 38 18
On the modeling of viscous incompressible flows with smoothed particle hydrodynamics Liu, Mou-Bin; Li, Shang-ming Review 01-10-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60676-5 28 5 40 16
Mixed convection flow of jeffrey nanofluid with thermal radiation and double stratification Abbasi, F. M.; Shehzad, S. A.; Hayat, T.; Alhuthali, M. S. Article 01-10-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60686-8 28 5 31 12
Numerical simulation of hydraulic force on the impeller of reversible pump turbines in generating mode Li, Jin-wei; Zhang, Yu-ning; Liu, Kai-hua; Xian, Hai-zhen; Yu, Ji-xing Article 01-08-2017 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60773-4 29 4 13 8
Hull form optimization of a cargo ship for reduced drag Huang, Fuxin; Yang, Chi Article 01-04-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60619-4 28 2 21 7
Numerical investigation of unsteady cavitating turbulent flows around twisted hydrofoil from the Lagrangian viewpoint Cheng, Huai-yu; Long, Xin-ping; Ji, Bin; Zhu, Ye; Zhou, Jia-jian Article 01-08-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60674-1 28 4 19 6
Hydrodynamic modelling of flow impact on structures under extreme flow conditions Liang, Qiuhua; Chen, Kai-cui; Hou, Jingming; Xiong, Yan; Wang, Gang; Qiang, Juan Article 01-04-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60628-5 28 2 11 6

4.Altmetric Top 10 – 2019

How is the Altmetric score calculated? The score is a weighted count

The score is a weighted count of the different sources (newspaper stories, tweets, blog posts, comments) that mention the paper.

Why is it weighted? To reflect the relative importance of each type of source. It’s easy to imagine that the average newspaper story is more likely to bring attention to the paper than the average tweet. This is reflected in the default weightings.

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8 5 2.5 1 1 0.25
Score Article DOI Title Author(s) Publication Date
8 10.1016/s1001-6058(09)60249-3 Dynamic pressures on curved front seawall models under random waves K. V. ANAND, V. SUNDAR, S. A. SANNASIRAJ 01-10-2010
4 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60614-5 A new biomimicry marine current turbine: Study of hydrodynamic performance and wake using software OpenFOAM YUNG-JEH CHU 01-02-2016
3 10.1016/s1001-6058(13)60365-0 Influence of emergent macrophyte (Phragmites australis) density on water turbulence and erosion of organic-rich sediment JUKKA HORPPILA, JONI KAITARANTA, LAURA JOENSUU, LEENA NURMINEN 01-04-2013
3 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60791-6 Numerical simulation of three-dimensional breaking waves and its interaction with a vertical circular cylinder ZHIHUA XIE, LIN LU, THORSTEN STOESSER, JIAN-GUO LIN, DIMITRIOS PAVLIDIS, PABLO SALINAS, CHRISTOPHER C. PAIN, OMAR K. MATAR 01-10-2017
2 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60705-9 Effects of thermal boundary conditions on the joule heating of electrolyte in a microchannel M. Y. ABDOLLAHZADEH JAMALABADI, J. H. PARK, M. M. RASHIDI, J. M. CHEN 01-10-2016
1 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60699-6 New prospects for computational hydraulics by leveraging high-performance heterogeneous computing techniques QIUHUA LIANG, LUKE SMITH, XILIN XIA 01-12-2016
1 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60628-5 Hydrodynamic modelling of flow impact on structures under extreme flow conditions QIUHUA LIANG, KAI-CUI CHEN, JINGMING HOU, YAN XIONG, GANG WANG, JUAN QIANG 01-04-2016


2020年5月,广东虎门大桥发生的流致振动(Flow-induced Vibration, FIV)事件使大众对FIV的关注度急剧上升,也让人马上联想起震惊世界的1940年塔科马大桥的垮塌事件(图1)。众所周知,钝体绕流会产生卡门涡街,其泄涡频率与结构固有频率接近时容易产生涡激振动(VIV)。这可能诱发结构的疲劳破坏,导致结构的安全事故。为了减弱甚至消除这种VIV,在海洋工程领域,人们发明了各种抑制装置,在实际工程中有着广泛应用。近10来年的研究发现,在圆柱结构附加整流罩或分离盘这样的附加结构在一些条件下有很好的VIV抑制作用;然而,在另一些条件下,可能发生比VIV振幅更大,类似于土木桥梁领域方柱结构的驰振(Galloping)现象,这种驰振反而加强振动,加剧破坏。需要我们深入思考和研究这些抑制装置的作用机理,探讨新的FIV抑制装置。

本期栏目中,我们推荐上海交通大学王嘉松教授团队与麻省理工学院机械工程范迪夏博士,在Journal of Hydrodynamics第32卷第3期(2020)发表的关于“海洋工程中圆柱体的流致振动问题”综述文章 A review on flow-induced vibration of offshore circular cylinders(share this artilce:。

图1  (来源于网络)虎门大桥(2020)和塔科马大桥(1940)的流致振动





图2  柔性单管自由振动(左-模型尺度,右-实尺度)




图3  双管FIV干涉(左-模型尺度梯度流,右-实尺度均匀流)

(3)VIV抑制与驰振: 指出传统的抑制措施可能引起galloping,一种更不利的振动

在FIV的作用下,细长海洋结构物发生周期性振动,这会导致静载的增加和严重的疲劳破坏,通过在柱体上适当地附属抑振装置可以抑制这种振动。文章首次收集国内外数据对三种最常用的抑振装置:螺旋列板(helical strake)、整流罩(fairing)和分离盘(splitter plate)的抑制效果做了归纳(图4),表明各有优缺点,有的振幅抑制佳,却加大了曳力;有的曳力和振幅都小,但有时可能导致新的负面影响。尽管附属抑振装置的方法在大量工程领域得到了有效应用,但是研究发现,在某些情况下附属抑振装置可能会导致驰振,反而增大振幅。无论是与固有频率的关系,还是振动幅值的大小,这种驰振与传统的VIV有着本质的不同,它可能是锁頻(空气中),也可能低频(水中),可能是自激的(大约化速度启动),也可能是他激的(与VIV耦合),等等,这些机制有待我们深入研究。从另一角度来看,涡激振动或驰振还可通过能量转化加以获取及利用。

图4  常见VIV抑制装置的效果


  1. 实验与观察仍然是“追本溯源”的核心手段,高精度和高效的CFD方法将成为“追实求真”核心机理和实际工程预报的更受期待的重要工具;
  2. 在大长细比、临界/超临界雷诺数、双自由度的实尺度柔性立管或多管等方面亟待进一步研究;
  3. 继续挖掘传统抑制方法,探索新型抑振方法,研究各种参数以及流动状态对VIV、WIV甚至galloping抑制效果的影响,通过合理布置抑振方案,在工程实践上消除或减弱结构物的振动;
  4. 人工智能/机器学习技术的发展与应用丰富了流体力学的研究方法,带来了研究方式的转变,使得探索广泛的参数空间成为可能;
  5. 最后,期待将研究成果转化到工业应用领域,比如为立管在其整个使用寿命内提供准确的响应预测。


王嘉松 上海交通大学船建学院长聘教授,博士生导师,上海市闵行区领军人才。主要从事高精度数值计算方法及其应用,涡激振动机理及其抑制,流致振动及驰振,流固耦合,风洞与水槽实验,大气环境动力学等方向的研究,近来也从事流致振动能量获取的研究。作为负责人获上海科技进步一等奖,主要参与者获得中国石油化工联合会科技进步一等奖。担任《Journal of Hydrodynamics》和《水动力学研究与进展》编委。

范迪夏 加拿大皇后大学机械与材料工程助理教授,他在2019年获得麻省理工学院机械学院的博士学位,2019-2020任麻省理工学院助理研究员。其主要的研究兴趣为流固耦合,漩涡流体的控制与感知以及仿生流体在船舶操纵上的应用。



空化和多相流是流体力学的一个重要课题,也是实现装备系统稳定性、安全可靠性的重要问题。为加强交流以共同促进空泡、空化及相关多相流动的研究,2019年4月19日至4月22日,在上海召开了第三届空化和多相流国际会议(The 3rd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, ISCM2019)。旨在为国内外专家及青年学者搭建合作平台,交流空化和多相流领域的最新研究成果及其应用,共同探索学术难题。同时,促进水动力学与重大工程/重要装备的相互融合与提高。

本次会议由上海大学、《水动力学研究与进展》编委会联合主办,北京国际力学中心、喷水推进技术重点实验室等多家单位协办单位。 来自意大利国家研究委员会罗马海洋工程研究所、日本东北大学和早稻田大学、荷兰特温特大学、西班牙加泰罗尼亚大学、斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那大学以及清华大学等国内高校研究所,近200名专家学者出席了此次研讨会。

美国工程院院士、加利福尼亚大学Said Elghobashi教授、英国伦敦帝国理工大学Yannis Hardalupas教授、新加坡国立大学Khoo Boo Cheong教授、德国马格德堡大学Claus-Dieter Ohl教授、法国国家科学研究中心Pierre-Yves Lagrée教授、瑞典Chalmers 理工大学Rickard Bensow教授、美国密歇根大学的Steven Ceccio教授、中国船舶科学研究中心的彭晓星研究员以及浙江大学林建忠教授等国内外知名学者,给参会者做了精彩的特邀报告。此外,为期三天的研讨会上,还设置了多场专题讨论,涉及水力机械内部空化多相流、空化及多相流数值计算与实验、空化多相流冲蚀及防冲蚀技术、空化与多相流诱导的流固耦合、空化流和多相流的多尺度模拟、空化产生的冲击波和微射流、气泡和汽泡的非线性振荡等,使得学者们在浓郁的气氛中得以充分的交流和研讨。本次大会形式多样、内容丰富、讨论气氛活跃。

会议从大会邀请报告中选取了三篇论文在Journal of Hydrodynamics上作为专栏进行了发表(,

第一篇由美国密歇根大学的Steven Ceccio教授提供,《Effect of Compressibility on Bubbly Cavitating Flows 》(share this artilce:介绍了泡状空化流动中的压缩性效应。该文指出泡状空化流动中存在大量的气泡使得本地声速较低,易形成超声速流动。作者在不同的几何形状的绕流问题中均发现了泡状激波(bubbly shocks),并指出泡状激波是空化流动失稳的重要原因。       第二篇由瑞典Chalmers University of Technology的Rickard E Bensow教授提供,《Hydrodynamic mechanisms of aggressive collapse events in leading edge cavitation 》(share this artilce: )介绍了Naca0009水翼前缘局部空化结构溃灭的实验与数值模拟研究。通过比较发现可压缩求解器可以较好的获取瞬态空化流动结构中的溃灭现象,在此基础上利用计算了空化结构溃灭形成的侵蚀力,计算结果与油膜法空蚀实验获取的图案有很强的相关性,并发现了四个空蚀风险高的区域。       第三篇由新加坡国立大学的Khoo Boo Cheong教授提供,《Numerical Investigation on Free Surface Effect on the Supercavitating Flow over a Low Aspect Ratio Wedge-Shaped Hydrofoil》(share this artilce: 介绍了近自由液面处超空泡流动的数值模拟研究。分析了浸没深度及水翼的长宽比对自由液面及超空泡形态的影响,同时获取了不同的流动图案及涡结构。

此外,本期中还另收录了两篇空化流动相关的快报,一篇由武汉大学的季斌博士提供,《Spatial and spectral investigation of turbulent kinetic energy in cavitating flow generated by Clark-Y hydrofoil》(share this artilce:htt://  介绍了Clark-Y hydrofoil空化流动中湍流动能的时空分布特性,以及湍动能的频谱特征。另一篇由中国船舶与海洋设计研究院张伟博士提供,《Numerical simulation of condensation shock in partial cavitating flow on a hydrofoil》介绍了非稳态空化流动中凝聚激波的数值计算研究,提出了采用不可压缩求解器获取凝聚激波的方法,并显示了三维的空化流动结构。


张伟,中国船舶与海洋设计研究院,喷水推进技术重点实验室,高级工程师。主要从事流体力学、湍流与空化流动,以及人工智能及机器学习在流体学中的应用研究。担任Journal of hydrodynamics编委。