Numerical Study on Spatiotemporal Evolution of Vortex Flow During Transition Process of Shutdown Fault of Large Vertical Centrifugal Pumps
Luo Wenhua, Yang Gang, Shen Xi, Zhang Desheng, Meng Jia, Hu Jingning  (473)
Mechanism of Vortex-induced Vibration of Cylinder with Two Degrees of Freedom under Shear-thinning Carreau-Yasuda Fluid Excitation
Zhang Xuyan, Ma Xi, He Tao  (483)
Application of Fluid-solid Thermal Coupling Analysis Technology of AP Series Canned Motor Pump Rotor Components
Li Jinghao, Sun Peidong, Zheng Gang, Wu Manxia  (493)
Influence of Heave Plates on Dynamic Responses of a Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine
Li Haoran, Peng Jingfu, Zheng Jinhai, Zhang Jisheng, Peng Wei, Zhang Xuan  (500)
Numerical Simulation Study on Water Entry of Cylinder in Wave Field Environment
Liu Longxiang, Chen Ying  (509)
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Water Conveyance System of new Vertical Shaft-type Water-saving Lock
Cui Shihao, Xue Hongcheng, Chen Ming, Ma Qian, Shen Yansong  (522)
Effect of Inlet Drainage on Cavitation Performance of High-speed Centrifugal Pumps
Kong Yunshan, Li Yibin, Feng Zhonghui, Guo Xinzhen, Wang Hao  (531)
Influence of Partially-covered Artificial Ecological Floating Island on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Open Channel Flow
Yang Fan, Li Qian, Zeng Yuhong  (540)
Numerical Simulation on Flow-induced Vibration Response of Two Tandem Arranged Cylinders in Channel
Lin Yongjie, Li Xinyu, Hu Xiao, Xu Hao, Zhou Yuhao, Zhu Zuchao, Chang Zhengxi (549)
CFD-DEM Numerical Simulation of the Initial Evolution of Local Scour Forms of Vertical Cylinder
Shi Jiaming, Zhang Jingxin  (558)
Study on Impact of Water Hammer Effect on Wellhead Pressure Fluctuations under Condition of Shutting-in High-yield Oil Wells
Ding Liangliang, Wang Kai, Tian Jialing, Wang Yu, Wang Yuwen  (566)
One-layer Particle Level Set Method for Numerical Simulation of Two-phase Flow
Zhou Tao, Xu Xinyi, Mu Kailong, Mao Jia, Zhao Lanhao  (578)
Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Tandem Flapping Wings
Wang Dingwen, Wang Qian  (587)
Research on Two-Dimensional Wave Deterministic Prediction Based on Impulse Response Function
Li Jinxuan, Li Jieqiong, Liu Shuxue  (599)
Numerical Investigation on Coupling Hydrodynamics of Cylinder and Nets of Semi-submersible Aquaculture Net Cage under Uniform Flow
Chen Cheng, Wang Hanbin, Zhang Xueyan, Zhang Xiantao  (606)
Numerical Simulation on Cavitating Flow of Hydrofoil with Data-driven RANS Model
Chen Zhuo, Deng Jian  (615)
Quantitative Phase Infiltration and Water Drive Characteristics of Different Scale Reservoir Space in Dengying Formation Gas Reservoir
Xiong Yu, Lei Tingting, Sun Zewei, Jiang Jun, Fu Xitong, Feng Pengxin, Zhang Chun, Wang Linghong, Zhao Zihan, Xiong Feng  (626)
Study on Well Testing Model of Fracturing Horizontal Wells in Multi Connected Areas of Tight Gas Reservoirs based on Boundary Element Method
Zhao Yulong, Feng Haoyan, Cui Qianchen, Xiao Yao, Li Hongxi, Hou Xiaoben, Zhang Liehui  (638)


Study on Data Assimilation and Multi-condition Generalization of Slope Flow Separation
Wu Rong, Li Zhiyang, He Chuangxin, Liu Yingzheng  (303)
Impact of Water Intake and Drainage from River Water Source Heat Pump Energy Stations on Water Temperature of Surrounding Rivers
Jiang Aili, He Wei, Zhang Jian, Yu Xiaodong, Chen Sheng, Xu Hui  (313)
Simulation of Gas-Liquid Two-phase Flow in Disc Pump under Different Inflow Bubble Diameters
Xia Yifan, Cui Qingqing, Qiu Rangjia, Jiang Qifeng, Zhang Weibin, Heng Yaguang, Xiong Ping  (320)
Suppression of Cavitation Inducer by Cavitation Division Effect of Blade Gap
Wang Xiaohui, Li Kejian, Miao Senchun, Shen Zhengjing, Zhang Kai  (330)
Analysis of Hull Forces and Changes in Paddle Thrust during Passage of a Ship Passing a Spur Dike
Zeng Qian, Ji Nan, Fan Xiaobiao, Ma Zhongxin, Deng Xiaobing  (340)
Research Progress on Energy Dissipation and Aeration Technology in Flood Discharge Shaft
Si Cailong, Wang Yongning, Bai Yanli, Xu Chao, Nan Junhu  (349)
Fast Simulations of Complex Wake Flows around Wind Farm
Cui Teng, Xu Shun, Wan Decheng  (357)
Numerical Study on Severe Slug Flow in Declined Pipe-Riser System
Zhu Hongjun, Li Jianan, Gao Yue  (363)
Experimental and Numerical Study of Wave-breaking on Reef Flat
Wang Zilin, Zhang Chi, Li Yuan, Chen Songgui, Chen Shubin, Chi Shanhang, Sui Titi, Wang Gang (372)
Prediction of Vortex-induced Vibration Problem Based on Improved Multi-fidelity Gaussian Process Regression Method
Xu Lihua, Tian Zhongxu, Fan Dixia, Wang Jiasong  (382)
Research on Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Spatial Evolution of Flow Noise of High-speed Submarine
Yuan Yifang, Han Lei, Dong Wei, Zhao Yun  (392)
Research on Flow Induced Noise Characteristics of Centrifugal Pump Based on Biomimetic Design of Shark Backfin
Cheng Tao, Fu Jie, Jin Yongxin, Pan Xiaoyu, Yang Long  (404)
Research on Real-time Reconstruction Method of Two-dimensional Wave Field of X-band Radar Based on Deep Learning Autoencoder
Ma Ziwei, Guo Xiaoxian, Lu Wenyue, Li Xin  (414)
Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Two-dimensional Single Elliptical Cylinder under Oscillatory Flow
Ruan Li, Yu Dingyong, Li Xianqi, Fang Ziang  (425)
Underground Space Flood Process under Extreme Rainstorm Based on a One-dimensional and Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic Coupling Model
Li Xinyue, Hou Jingming, Liu Yuan, Wang Tian, Li Donglai, Pan Xinxin, Li Peng, Gao Xujun  (434)
Numerical Analysis of Hydroelasticity Response of Ultra Large Container Ship Using CFD-MBD
He Fan, Wang Jianhua, Wan Decheng, Liu Cong, Liu Yi  (442)
Numerical Simulation of Single Ice Floe Motion Response under Actions of Wind, Wave and Current
Wang Yihan, Sun Linhua, Ni Baoyu  (452)
Short-term Nonlinear Wave Field Prediction Based on Ensemble Kalman Filter
Zhang Linfeng1, Liu Zeng  (463)






Effect of the yaw angle on turbulent flow structures around the submarine model
Yi-jing Hu, Yi Qu, Qin Wu, Biao Huang (421)
Energy partition in laser-induced cavitation bubbles near the rigid wall with a gas-containing hole
Dong-qiao He, Hai-gang Wen, Si-yuan Geng, Chen-xi Yang, Qiang Zhong, Zhi-feng Yao (435)
Jetting of a near-wall cavitation bubble induced by another tandem bubble
Hui Han, Jing-zhu Wang, Jian-lin Huang, Peng-bo Bai, Yong-gang Chen, Yi-wei Wang (444)


Numerical analysis of coupled sloshing and motion of a cylindrical FPSO in regular waves
Wei-wen Zhao, Xiao-long Yang, De-cheng Wan (457)
Automated regression test method for scientific computing libraries: Illustration with SPHinXsys
Bo Zhang, Chi Zhang, Xiangyu Hu (466)
Numerical analysis of a projecting wall type oscillating water column (PW-OWC) wave energy converter in regular waves
Lei Tan, Ruiyuan Chang, Tomoki Ikoma (479)
Experimental and numerical analysis of multi-chamber oscillating water column devices
Jorge Gadelho, Kourosh Rezanejad, C. Guedes Soares (492)
Fast prediction of rain erosion in wind turbine blades using a data-based computational tool
Juan M. Gimenez, Sergio R. Idelsohn, Eugenio Oñate (504)


Numerical investigation on compressible flow around a cylinder in proximity to the heated wall
Yu-lu Liu, Jun-wang Qu, Yi-zhou Tao, Yong-guang Lyu, Xiang Qiu (519)
Predicting submerged vegetation drag with a machine learning-based method
Meng-yang Liu, Hong-wu Tang, Sai-yu Yuan, Jing Yan (534)
Flow characteristics and bubble statistics during the fragmentation process of the ingested main cavity in plunging breaking waves
Wen-bin Zhang, Wei-wen Zhao, De-cheng Wan (546)
Prediction of bedload transport inside vegetation canopies with natural morphology
Li He, Yu-qi Shan, Chao Liu, Hui Cao, Xing-nian Liu, Yakun Guo (556)
Determination of ice jam thickness–A new approach
Jun Wang, Lian-sheng Sang, Fei-hu Song, Tie-jie Cheng, Jueyi Sui (570)
Effectiveness of urban distributed runoff model for discharge and water depth calculation in urban drainage pipe networks
Yang Zhou, Yi-ling Leng, Peng-yu Wang, Shang-hong Zhang, Yu-long Zhu, Yu-jun Yi (582)
Editorial Message(592)


Wake-Induced Vibration of Flexible Splitter Plate Attached to Rear Point of Circular Cylinder
Zhu Hongjun, Chen Quanyu, Tang Tao, Zhong Jiawen  (123)
Study on Effects of Integral Surface Parameters of FW-H Equation on Noise Prediction of Turbulent Flows around Cylinder
Qin Jiajia, Pan Zhi, Wan Decheng  (130)
Coupling Effect of Vehicle Body and Waterjet Propulsion on Hydrodynamic Performance of Amphibious Vehicle
Feng Yikun, Zhang Guoqing, Xu Xiaojun  (139)
Time Domain Simulation on Wave Shoaling and Breaking Based on HLGN Equations
Zheng Kun, Liu Xiaolong, Cai Zhiwen, Zhao Binbin, Duan Wenyang  (146)
Numerical Analysis of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine in Focused Waves
Xue Yingjie, Wang Nina, Wan Decheng  (154)
Optimization of Cavitation Performance of Hydrofoil Based on LEM-CST Method
Wu Xiangyang, Wang Wei, Li Zhijian, Ji Xiang, Yuan Longcan, Wang Xiaofang  (165)
On Performance of Pre-Propeller Energy Saving Device in Waves
Li Zhaohui, Feng Peiyuan, Zhao Leiming, Meng Yang, Yu Hai, Hu Fan  (174)
Efficient Simulation of Obstructed Dam-break Flows Using the MPS Method on Domestic DCU Accelerator Card
Huang Congyi, Zhao Weiwen, Wan Decheng  (187)
Implicit Interpolation Method for Non-conforming Meshes of Three-dimensional Flow
Song Weihao, Zhu Hanyue, Mao Jia, Zhao Lanhao (196)
Study on Mechanism of Evaporation Reduction of Desulfurization Wastewater in Air Cooling Tower
Du Ying, LI Lujun, Song Xiaojun, Wang Fei  (204)
Studies on Domain of Deterministic Wave Prediction Based on Point Measurement
Yin Menglin, Li Jinxuan, Li Meiyan, Liu Shuxue  (215)
Study on One-dimensional Hydrodynamic Model with Parameter Estimation Function
Ma Feng, Niu Xiaojing, Zhang Cheng, Xu Mengzhen  (227)
Study on Wear Evolution Characteristics of Sediment in Francis Hydro-Turbine Based on Erosion Coupled with Dynamic Meshes
Huang Jianfeng, Yao Ji, Zhang Leilei  (234)
Axial Flow Pump Fault Diagnosis Based on VMD Hybrid Domain Feature and DBN
Wu Yong, Chen Hongxun, Ma Zheng  (244)
Research on Cavitation and Noise Characteristics of Convergent-Divergent Nozzle Based on Hybrid LES/FW-H Method
Fan Haidong, Chen Zhengshou, Du Bingxin  (252)
Study on Vibration Instability Characteristics of Pipe Conveying Solid-Liquid Two-phase Mixed Internal Flow
Zhou Dingchang, Ma Yongqi, You Yunxiang, Chen Wei, Feng Aichun  (264)
Study on Influence of Tube-Exit Conditions on Dynamic Evolution of Tail Cavity Attached to Underwater Vehicle
Cao Liangliang, Quan Xiaobo, Wang yong, Chen Xiangyan, You Tianqing  (274)
Numerical Simulation of Aerodynamic Performance of Offshore Floating Wind Turbine under Periodic Motion
Liu Yang, Luo Zifan, Lu Binbin, Zou Li, Niu Rui  (282)
Numerical Study on Generation and Transport of Total Dissolved Gas Supersaturation in Vortex Drop Shaft Spillway Tunnel
Zhang Bin, Fu Xiaoli, Guo Xinlei, Fu Hui  (292)




Investigation on cavitating turbulent flow for the twisted NACA66 hydrofoil using a PANS model with helicity modification
Chen Geng, Zhao-hui Qian, Ke-xin Zheng, Wei-xiang Ye, Xian-wu Luo(219)


Numerical simulation of liquid sloshing in a spherical tank by MPS method
Cong-yi Huang, Ji-fei Wang, Wei-wen Zhao, De-cheng Wan (232)
CFD-based hull optimization in calm water using adaptive grid deformation method
Shuguang Wang, Yong-Hwan Kim (241)
Experimental study on the dynamic response of a 3-D wedge under asymmetric impact
Saeed Hosseinzadeh, Kristjan Tabri (263)
Calculation of ship motions in steep waves with restoring and Froude-Krylov forces on an adaptive panel mesh with Gauss and analytic integration methods
Malwin Wermbter, Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud (275)
A CFD study on the hydrodynamic response of a small-scale ice floe induced by a passing ship
Zongyu Jiang, Spyros Hirdaris, Sasan Tavakoli, Mikko Suominen, Pentti Kujala (290)


Study on the flow structure in curved open channels with suspended vegetation using multi relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method
He-fang Jing, Qiao-ling Zhang, Wei-hong Wang, Zong-ning Zhang (300)
Numerical investigation of the coupled aero-hydrodynamic performances of a semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine with inclined columns
Ying-jie Xue, Xiao-long Yang, Wei-wen Zhao, De-cheng Wan (316)
Features and formulae of sediment incipient motion in vegetated flow environment
Yu-xuan Xu, Wei-jie Wang, Shi-bao Zhang, Han-qing Zhao, Xue-kai Chen, Hai-ping Zhang (331)
Flow structure and shear stress in the presence of both ice cover on water surface and leafless vegetation in channel bed
Mahboubeh Barahimi, Jueyi Sui (340)
Numerical investigations of the interactions between bubble induced shock waves and particle based on OpenFOAM
Jia-xin Yu, Jin-sen Hu, Yu-hang Liu, Yi-fan Liu, Dan Gao, Yu-ning Zhang (355)
Optimization of the co-closing law of guide vanes and blades for bulb turbines based on CFD
Hui Liu, Yun-fa Lin, Yong-guang Cheng, Song Xue, Mao-jia Tang, Jian Zhang, Jia-yi Fan (363)
Investigation of wake-induced vibration interference between two staggered wave-cone cylinders at subcritical Reynolds number
Lin Zou, Di-wei Liu, Jian Liu, Hong-cheng Zuo, Yin-huan Zheng, Hao Xia (378)
Rapid prediction of damaged ship roll motion responses in beam waves based on stacking algorithm
Xin-ran Liu, Ting-qiu Li, Zi-ping Wang (394)
Effect of the vortical structures on the hydrodynamic performance of a pitching hydrofoil
Rui Yuan, Hui-yun Hao, Qin Wu, Yun-qing Liu, Biao Huang (406)