JHD A辑目录2017年第6期

目 次


张庆华, 曲媛媛, 尹训强,等(659)
刘玉文, 徐良浩, 张国平,等(671)
徐妲莉, 陈方磊, 张洪生(680)
王巧莎, 李明海, 张凌云(688)
涌潮运动的 CFD 模拟研究
林伟栋, 赵西增, 叶洲腾,等(696)
李兴科, 尹洪军, 徐志涛,等(704)
梢涡涡核结构的 PIV 试验研究
徐良浩, 彭晓星, 刘玉文,等(712)
单天祥, 叶强(719)
王艳霞, 彭必业, 赵强(725)
屈金哲, 薛雷平(732)
基于 PIV 技术的粗颗粒在管流中跟随性试验研究
吴优, 邹燚, 曹斌,等(739)
陈善群, 吴昊, 任超洋,等(747)
赵雪峰, 尹小玲(756)
胡丽芬, 马坤, 刘明(764)
何飞, 陈杰, 蒋昌波,等(770)
杨帆, 陈世杰, 李振,等(779)


Journal of Hydrodynamics 2017年第5期目次
Call For Papers——The 13th OpenFOAM Workshop(OFW13)


Vol.32  No.6  2017
A theoretical model for the antarctic circumpolar current —-neglecting the obstruction of Australia and Africa
ZHANG Qing-hua, QU Yuan-yuan, YIN Xun-qiang, et al. (659)
Observation andresearch onthe cavitation inception and cavitation structure of tip leakage flow
LIU Yu-wen, XU Liang-hao, ZHANG Guo-ping, et al. (671)
The application of the homotopy analysis method in cnoidal waves interaction
XU Da-li, CHEN Fang-lei, ZHANG Hong-sheng (680)
Damping absorption of numerical wave tanks in hypergravity field
WANG Qiao-sha, LI Ming-hai, ZHANG Ling-yun (688)
Numerical simulation of tidal bore using CFD model
LIN Wei-dong, ZHAO Xi-zeng, YE Zhou-teng, et al. (696)
Analysis of water drive performance using streamtube method in low permeability reservoirs
LI Xing-ke, YIN Hong-jun, XU Zhi-tao, et al. (704)
Experimental research on structure of tip vortex core by PIV
XU Liang-hao, PENG Xiao-xing, LIU Yu-wen, et al. (712)
Investigation of gas-liquid two-phase flow induced by gas evolution in carbon felts
SHAN Tian-xiang, YE Qiang (719)
Experimental study on the influence of trim flap on the resistance of a medium-sized luxury cruise
WANG Yan-xia, PENG Bi-ye, ZHAO Qiang (725)
Experimental study of the wave forces on the offshore pile-supported structures in irregular waves
QU Jin-zhe, XUE Lei-ping (732)
Experimental study on coarse particles following behavior in pipeline flow based on PIV technique
WU You, ZOU Yi, CAO Bin, et al. (739)
Numerical investigation on free surface waves past partially submerged horizontal circular cylinders
CHEN Shan-qun, WU Hao, REN Chao-yang, et al. (747)
Numerical model for effect of tide strength on estuarine salt intrusion
ZHAO Xue-feng, YIN Xiao-ling (756)
The research on damaged ship’s flooding process in time-domain
HU Li-fen, MA Kun, LIU Ming (764)
Experimental investigation on wave attenuation under the effects of rigid vegetation with root, stem and crown
HE Fei, CHEN Jie, JIANG Chang-bo, et al. (770)
Effect of rotational speed on the hydraulic performance for outlet conduit of tubular pumping system
YANG Fan, CHEN Shi-jie, LI Zhen, et al. (779)


尊敬的各位读者和作者,自2018年1月1日起,Journal of Hydrodynamics (ISSN 1001-6058, e-ISSN1878-0342)的出版商变更为Springer
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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Springer will start publishing Journal of Hydrodynamics (ISSN 1001-6058, e-ISSN 1878-0342) from 2018 onwards.
The editorial system is the Editorial Manager (EM) via http://www.editorialmanager.com/IJHD
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                         Editorial office of Journal of Hydrodynamics
November 2nd, 2017

JHD B辑目录2017年第5期



On the clean numerical simulation (CNS) of chaotic dynamic systems
Shi-jun Liao (廖世俊) (729)


BEM for wave interaction with structures and low storage accelerated methods for large scale computation
Bin Teng (滕斌), Ying Gou (勾莹) (748)


Flow-pipe-soil coupling mechanisms and predictions for submarine pipeline instability
Fu-ping Gao (高福平) (763)
Simulation of flows with moving contact lines on a dual-resolution Cartesian grid using a diffuse-interface immersed-boundary method
Hao-ran Liu (刘浩然), Han Li (李晗), Hang Ding (丁航) (774)
On the hydrodynamics of hydraulic machinery and flow control
Hong-xun Chen (陈红勋), Zheng Ma (马峥), Wei Zhang (张伟), Bing Zhu (朱兵), Rui Zhang (张睿), Qun Wei (魏群), Zheng-chuan Zhang (张正川), Chao Liu (刘超), Jian-wu He (何建武) (782)


A 3-D numerical study of solitary wave interaction with vertical cylinders using a parallelised particle-in-cell solver
Qiang Chen, Jun Zang, David M. Kelly, Aggelos S. Dimakopoulos (790)
Numerical simulation of three-dimensional breaking waves and its interaction with a vertical circular cylinder
Zhihua Xie, Lin Lu (吕林), Thorsten Stoesser, Jian-guo Lin (林建国), Dimitrios Pavlidis, Pablo Salinas, Christopher C. Pain, Omar K. Matar (800)
Theoretical and numerical investigations of wave resonance between two floating bodies in close proximity
Lei Tan (谭雷), Guo-qiang Tang (唐国强), Zhong-bing Zhou (周忠兵), Liang Cheng, Xiaobo Chen, Lin Lu(吕林) (805)
Stationary phase and practical numerical evaluation of ship waves in shallow water
Chen-liang Zhang (张晨亮), Jin-bao Wang (王金宝), Yi Zhu (朱怡), Francis Noblesse (817)
Capillary-gravity ship wave patterns
Hui Liang, Xiaobo Chen (825)


A 3-D SPH model for simulating water flooding of a damaged floating structure
Kai Guo (郭凯), Peng-nan Sun (孙鹏楠), Xue-yan Cao (曹雪雁), Xiao Huang (黄潇) (831)
Mechanism of air-trapped vertical vortices in long-corridor-shaped surge tank of hydropower station and their elimination
Fang Cai (蔡芳), Yong-guang Cheng (程永光), Lin-sheng Xia (夏林生), Yong-qi Jiang (蒋永琪) (845)
Effects of rotational speeds on the performance of a centrifugal pump with a variable-pitch inducer
Xiao-mei Guo (郭晓梅), Zu-chao Zhu (朱祖超), Gao-ping Shi (施高萍), Yong Huang (黄勇) (854)
Effect of the PTO damping force on the wave pressures on a 2-D wave energy converter
Xuan-lie Zhao (赵玄烈), De-zhi Ning (宁德志), Malin Göteman, Hai-gui Kang (康海贵) (863)
Effect of polymer and fiber additives on pressure drop in a rectangular channel
Amir Eshghinejadfard, Kashyapa Sharma, Dominique Thévenin (871)
Particle image velocimetry measurement of velocity distribution at inlet duct of waterjet self-propelled ship model
Jie Gong (龚杰), Chun-yu Guo (郭春雨), Tie-cheng Wu (吴铁成), Da-gang Zhao (赵大刚) (879)


An ISPH model for flow-like landslides and interaction with structures
Dongfang Liang (梁东方), Xuzhen He, Jing-xin Zhang (张景新) (894)
Determination of urban runoff coefficient using time series inverse modeling
Hai-long Yin (尹海龙), Zhi-chao Zhao (赵志超), Ruoqian Wang, Zu-xin Xu (徐祖信), Huai-zheng Li (李怀正) (898)
Flow structure and phosphorus adsorption in bed sediment at a 90o channel confluence
Yang Xiao (肖洋), Yang Xia (夏阳), Sai-yu Yuan (袁赛瑜), Hong-wu Tang (唐洪武) (902)


32nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Dezhi Ning, Bin Teng (906)

JHD A辑目录2017年第5期

目 次

专栏论文 (第十四届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会论文精选)

张建民, 何小泷(531)
季斌, 白晓蕊, 祝叶,等(542)
杨帆, 梁东方, 何显聪(551)
景鹏, 王骁龙, 龚晓波(557)
张德胜, 石磊, 陈健,等(565)
胡秋皓, 李晔, 章丽骏(575)
王志远, 张剑波, 蒋宏伟,等(584)
武军林, 魏岗, 杜辉(592)


余海廷, 陈科, 尤云祥,等(600)
黄杰, 梁东方, 张景新(615)
赵杨, 张学庆, 辛力(623)
陈莎莎, 李昂, 孙仁(630)
马淼, 李国栋, 宁健(635)
方佐赐, 何昊哲, 林颖典(645)


ournal of Hydrodynamics 2017年第4期目次


Vol.32 No.5 2017
Application of lattice Boltzmann method to multiphase flow
ZHANG Jian-min, HE Xiao-long (531)
A review of the fundamental investigations of cavitation in hydraulic machinery
JI Bin, BAI Xiao-rui, ZHU Ye, et al.(542)
Impact of momentum correction coefficient on simulating steady open channel flows
YANG Fan, LIANG Dong-fang, HO Hin-chung(551)
A numerical investigation of mechanical behaviors of circulating tumor cells in micro vessels
JING Peng, WANG Xiao-long, GONG Xiao-bo (557)
Numerical simulations and visualized experiments of tip leakage vortex and associated cavitation in axial-flow pump
ZHANG De-sheng, SHI Lei, CHEN Jian, et al. (565)
A Large-eddy simulation study of horizontal axis tidal turbine in different conditions
HU Qiu-hao, LI Ye, ZHANG Li-jun (575)
Modeling and application of wellbore multiphase flow with gas hydrate phase transition
Wang Zhi-yuan, Zhang Jian-bo, Jiang Hong-wei, et al. (584)
Experimental study on the flow variation of internal solitary wave and its interaction with a traverse submerged slender body
WU Jun-lin, WEI Gang, DU Hui (592)
Internal solitary wave loadscharacteristics for “Liuhua” tension leg platform
YU Hai-ting, CHEN Ke, YOU Yun-xiang, et al. (600)
A general numerical model for flow and scour around underwater structures
HUANG Jie, LIANG Dong-fang, ZHANG Jing-xin (615)
Study of water exchange between regions based on the Markov method
ZHAO Yang, ZHANG Xue-qing, XIN Li (623)
Numerical simulation of adhesion of melanoma mediated by leukocyte in a blood vessel
CHEN Sha-sha, LI Ang, SUN Ren (630)
Effect of radius-to-width ratio on flow structure in 90o open channel bend
MA Miao, LI Guo-dong, NING Jian (635)
Effect of rigid and emergent vegetation on flow characteristics in a curved channel
FANG Zuo-ci, HE Hao-che, LIN Ying-tien (645)

JHD B辑目录2017年第4期



Mechanics of granular column collapse in fluid at varying slope angles
K. Kumar, J.-Y. Delenne, K. Soga (529)


Numerical simulation of submarine landslide tsunamis using particle based methods
Liu-chao Qiu (邱流潮), Feng Jin (金峰), Peng-zhi Lin (林鹏智), Yi Liu (刘毅), Yu Han (韩宇) (542)
A new three-dimensional finite-volume non-hydrostatic shock-capturing model for free surface flow
Francesco Gallerano, Giovanni Cannata, Francesco Lasaponara, Chiara Petrelli (552)
Double-averaging analysis of turbulent kinetic energy fluxes and budget based on large-eddy simulation
Xu Han (韩旭), Guo-jian He (何国建), Hong-wei Fang (方红卫) (567)
Spatial relationship between energy dissipation and vortex tubes in channel flow
Lie-kai Cao (曹列凯), Dan-xun Li (李丹勋), Huai Chen (陈槐), Chun-jing Liu (刘春晶) (575)
Prediction of the future flood severity in plain river network region based on numerical model: A case study
Zi-jun Hu (胡孜军), Ling-ling Wang (王玲玲), Hong-wu Tang (唐洪武), Xiao-ming Qi (戚晓明) (586)
The influence of wave surge force on surf-riding/broaching vulnerability criteria check
Pei-yuan Feng (封培元), She-ming Fan (范佘明), Jun Nie (聂军), Xiao-jian Liu (刘小健) (596)
Numerical simulation of hydraulic force on the impeller of reversible pump turbines in generating mode
Jin-wei Li (李金伟), Yu-ning Zhang (张宇宁), Kai-hua Liu (刘凯华), Hai-zhen Xian (冼海珍), Ji-xing Yu (于纪幸) (603)
Verification and validation of URANS simulations of the turbulent cavitating flow around the hydrofoil
Yun Long (龙云), Xin-ping Long (龙新平), Bin Ji (季斌), Wen-xin Huai (槐文信), Zhong-dong Qian (钱忠东) (610)
Application of binding theory for seepage of viscoelastic fluid in a variable diameter capillary
Er-long Yang (杨二龙), Ting-ting Gu (谷婷婷), Mei Wang (王梅), Huan Li (李欢) (621)
Numerical investigation of entropy generation and heat transfer of pulsating flow in a horizontal channel with an open cavity
Fatma Zamzari, Zouhaier Mehrez, Afif El Cafsi, Ali Belghith, Patrick Le Quéré (632)
Numerical investigation of Reynolds number and scaling effects in microchannels flows
S. A. Si Salah, E. G. Filali, S. Djellouli (647)
A numerical study of violent sloshing problems with modified MPS method
Debadatta Jena, Kishore Chandra Biswal (659)
Mixing features in an electromagnetic rectangular micromixer for electrolyte solutions
M. M. Wen, C. N. Kim (668)
A GPU accelerated finite volume coastal ocean model
Xu-dong Zhao (赵旭东), Shu-xiu Liang (梁书秀), Zhao-chen Sun (孙昭晨), Xi-zeng Zhao (赵西增), Jia-wen Sun (孙家文), Zhong-bo Liu (刘忠波) (679)
Numerical prediction of effective wake field for a submarine based on a hybrid approach and an RBF interpolation
Zhi-qiang Rao (饶志强), Chen-jun Yang (杨晨俊) (691)
Large eddy simulation of turbulent flow structure and characteristics in an annular jet pump
Mao-sen Xu (徐茂森), Xue-long Yang (杨雪龙), Xin-ping Long (龙新平), Qiao Lü(吕桥) (702)
Numerical analysis of flow separation zone in a confluent meander bend channel
Bin Sui (隋斌), She-hua Huang (黄社华) (716)


Cavitation erosion in bloods
Jian-hua Wu (吴建华), Yu Wang (王宇), Fei Ma (马飞), Wen-juan Gou (缑文娟) (724)


ICHD’ 2018 The 13th International Conference on Hydrodynamics First Announcement