JHD A辑目录2017年第3期

目 次


张力, 及春宁, 邢国源(263)
基于CFD 的船-舵水动力干扰数值研究
许辉, 麻绍钧(273)
张敖, 黄华, 詹杰民, 等(282)
李金宣, 郝健, 王磊, 等(293)
杨振波, 卢金树, 吴豪霄, 等(308)
王正成, 毛海涛, 姜海波, 等(316)
向清江, 薛林, 许正典, 等(325)
王淋淋, 毛献忠(331)
周期性加热Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Benard 流动中局部行波的研究
胡彪, 宁利中, 宁碧波, 等(336)
任长江, 王建华, 白丹, 等(344)
陈云良, 杨秀玲, 徐永, 等(351)
张春财, 王立杰, 戴晓兵, 等(358)
孙洪亮, 刘亚坤, 刘洁洁, 等(374)
李林林, 张根广(380)


Journal of Hydrodynamics 2017 年第2 期目次
评选2017 年度周培源水动力学奖公告


Vol.32 No.3 2017
Investigation on near-wake patterns and hydrodynamic coefficients of flow around three side-by-side cylinders with a low Reynolds number
ZHANG Li, JI Chun-ning, XING Guo-yuan (263)
CFD-based numerical study on the hull-rudder hydrodynamic interaction
XU Hui, MA Shao-Jun (273)
Shallow water wave interaction with arc-shaped bottom-mounted breakwater
ZHANG Ao, HUANG Hua, Zhan jie-min, et al. (282)
A fully nonlinear numerical model for wave propagation over variable bathymetry based on High Order Spectral method
LI Jin-xuan, HAO Jian, WANG Lei, et al. (293)
Three-dimensional analytical model for sudden oil spill in rivers
JIANG Wen-yan (301)
Effect of cargo tank pressure on process of submerged oil leakage from damaged tank of oil tanker
YANG Zhen-bo, LU Jin-shu, WU Hao-xiao, et al. (308)
Analysis on the influence of weak aquifer in dam foundation on seepage based on fluid-solid coupling
WANG Zheng-cheng, MAO Hai-tao, JIANG Hai-bo, et al. (316)
A method to predict the jet trajectory of fire water monitor in calm wind condition
XIANG Qing-jiang, XUE Lin, XU Zheng-dian, et al. (325)
Numerical study of the factors affecting the wake vortex formation behind the seamount
WANG Lin-lin, MAO Xian-zhong (331)
Localized traveling waves in Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Benard flows under periodic heating
HU Biao, NING Li-zhong, NING Bi-bo, et al. (336)
Application of improved ant colony algorithm in parameter identification problem of solute transport
REN Chang-Jiang, WANG Jian-Hua, BAI Dan, et al. (344)
Hydraulic characteristics on wedge slab with flip bucket of overtopped cofferdam
CHEN Yun-liang, YANG Xiu-ling, XU Yong, et al. (351)
Research on hydraulic characteristics of shallow submerged jet with different incidence angles
ZHANG Chun-cai, WANG Li-jie, DAI Xiao-bing,et al. (358)
The Prediction Model of the Estuary Deepwater Channel Sudden Siltation under Big Waves
ZHANG Xin-feng (365)
Study on the critical submergence of vortex before radial gate
SUN Hong-liang, LIU Ya-kun, LIU Jie-jie, et al. (374)
The unified formula of sediment incipient motion velocity on curve riverbank slopes
LI Lin-lin, ZHANG Gen-guang (380)

JHD B辑目录2017年第2期



Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and its applications in fluid-structure interactions
A-man Zhang (张阿漫), Peng-nan Sun (孙鹏楠), Fu-ren Ming (明付仁), A. Colagrossi (187)


Significant intervals of energy transforms in bubbles freely oscillating in liquids
Karel Vokurka (217)
Iterative Rankine HOBEM analysis of hull-form effects in forward-speed diffraction problem
Guang-hua He (何广华), Li-min Chen (陈丽敏), Jin-sheng Zhang (张劲生), Shi-jun Zhang (张世军) (226)
Investigation of rotating stall for a centrifugal pump impeller using various SGS models
Pei-jian Zhou (周佩剑), Fu-jun Wang (王福军), Zheng-jun Yang (杨正军), Jie-gang Mou (牟介刚) (235)
A scheme for improving computational efficiency of quasi-two-dimensional model
Tae Uk Jang, Yue-bin Wu (伍悦滨), Ying Xu (徐莹), Qiang Sun (孙强) (243)
Lattice Boltzmann model for shallow water in curvilinear coordinate grid
Zhuang-ming Zhao (赵庄明), Ping Huang (黄平), Shao-tian Li (李少钿) (251)
Drag reduction of wall bounded incompressible turbulent flow based on active dimples/pimples
Ming-wei Ge (葛铭纬), Le Fang (方乐), Yong-qian Liu (刘永前) (261)
Effects of finite-size heavy particles on the turbulent flows in a square duct
Zhao-wu Lin (林昭武), Xue-ming Shao (邵雪明), Zhao-sheng Yu (余钊圣), Lian-ping Wang (王连平) (272)
Modelling of wave transmission through a pneumatic breakwater
Maciej Paprota, Wojciech Sulisz (283)
Comparison of blood rheological models in patient specific cardiovascular system simulations
Anastasios Skiadopoulos, Panagiotis Neofytou, Christos Housiadas (293)
The best hydraulic section of horizontal-bottomed parabolic channel section
Yan-cheng Han (韩延成), Xue-ping Gao (高学平), Zheng-he Xu (徐征和) (305)
Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic performance of blade position-variable hydraulic turbine
Long-jing Li (李龙敬), Shen-jie Zhou (周慎杰) (314)
The effects of step inclination and air injection on the water flow in a stepped spillway: A numerical study
Khadidja Kherbache, Xavier Chesneau, Belkacem Zeghmati, Stéphane Abide, Saadia Benmamar (322)
Magnetohydrodynamic flows tuning in a conduit with multiple channels under a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the plane of flow
Y. Luo, C. N. Kim, M. Q. Zhu (332)
Numerical modelling of supercritical flow in circular conduit bends using SPH method
Nikola M. Rosić, Milena B. Kolarević, Ljubodrag M. Savić, Dejana M. Đorđević, Radomir S. Kapor (344)
Efficient suction control of unsteadiness of turbulent wing-plate junction flows
Jian-hua Liu (刘建华), Chang-you Song (宋长友) (353)
Numerical analysis of cavitation shedding flow around a three-dimensional hydrofoil using an improved filter-based model
De-sheng Zhang (张德胜), Wei-dong Shi (施卫东), Guang-jian Zhang (张光建), Jian Chen (陈健), B. P. M. (Bart) van Esch (361)


2017 SPHERIC Beijing International Workshop

JHD A辑目录2017年第2期

目 次


陈徐扬, 胡文蓉(133)
杨春忠, 刘长根, 房河宇, 等(141)
李帅, 朱仁传, 缪国平, 等(148)
张迪, 缪小平, 彭福胜, 等(158)
梁超, 刘元清, 刘筠乔, 等(165)
魏海鹏, 权晓波, 孔德才(175)
顾杰, 宋竑霖, 王佳元, 等(182)
统一半解析边界处理SPH 方法与不规则粒子分布
骆钊, 汪淳(189)
基于CIP 方法的入水过程模拟
方舟华, 赵西增(198)
胡晓, 郜冶, 彭辉(203)
王昆, 林金波, 杜静(213)
王妍妍, 杜殿发, 隋普森, 等(220)
基于郎之万方程和LBM的Janus 颗粒自驱运动模拟
张焱, 崔海航, 周敏, 等(237)
胡晓张, 宋利祥, 杨芳, 等(247)
张巍, 贺治国, 谈利明, 等(253)


Journal of Hydrodynamics 2017 年第1 期目次


Vol.32 No.2 2017
Numerical investigation of tadpole models swimming in side-by-side arrangement
CHEN Xu-yang, HU Wen-rong (133)
Numerical simulation of wave impact on sea ice in the Bohai sea
YANG Chun-zhong, LIU Chang-gen, FANG He-yu, et al. (141)
Investigations on applicability of 2.5D theory for calculation of motions and added resistance of ship advancing in waves
LI Shuai, ZHU Ren-chuan, MIAO Guo-ping, et al. (148)
An unconditionally stable scheme for solving convection-diffusion equationvZHANG Di, MIAO Xiao-ping, PENG Fu-sheng, et al. (158)
Numerical simulation of gas-liquid two-phase flow in flat plate boundary layer under gravity field
LIANG Chao, LIU Yuan-qing, LIU Yun-qiao, et al. (165)
Experimental investigation of cavitating flows around an axisymmetric body with double-taper headform
WEI Hai-peng, QUAN Xiao-bo, KONG De-cai (175)
Study on responses of tidal currents to artificial island and sandbars in coastal watersvGU Jie, SONG Hong-lin, WANG Jia-yuan, et al. (182)
Unified semi-analytical wall boundary treatment in SPH and irregular particle distribution
LUO Zhao, WANG Chun (189)
Numerical simulation of water entry using CIP model
FANG Zhou-hua, ZHAO Xi-zeng (198)
Numerical research on shape of supercavity induced by the variable cavitator
HU Xiao, GAO Ye, PENG Hui (203)
Numerical simulation of oil spill drift-diffusion in the sea
WANG Kun, LIN Jin-bo, DU Jing (213)
Research on inflow profile of horizontal well with selective & variable density perforation completion
WANG Yan-yan, DU Dian-fa, SUI Pu-sen, et al. (220)
A new technology for energy dissipation and scour prevention in special-shaped urban drainage channels
XUE Long-hui (228)
Simulation of Janus particles self-driven motion based on Langevin equation and LBM
ZHANG Yan, CUI Hai-hang, ZHOU Min, et al. (237)
Research and application of water ecology numerical model for shallow lakes
HU Xiao-zhang, SONG Li-xiang, YANG Fang, et al. (247)
Dynamic characteristics of Qiantang tidal bore based on field observations at a fixed location
ZHANG Wei, HE Zhi-guo, TAN Li-ming, et al. (253)

JHD B辑目录2017年第1期



Large eddy simulation of free-surface flows
Richard J. McSherry, Ken V. Chua, Thorsten Stoesser (1)


Effect of internal sloshing on added resistance of ship
Min-Guk Seo, Yonghwan Kim, Dong-Min Park (13)
Large eddy simulation of turbulent attached cavitating flow with special emphasis on large scale structures of the hydrofoil wake and turbulence-cavitation interactions
Bin Ji (季斌), Yun Long (龙云), Xin-ping Long (龙新平), Zhong-dong Qian (钱忠东), Jia-jian Zhou (周加建) (27)
Assessment of the predictive capability of RANS models in simulating meandering open channel flows
Jian-yin Zhou (周建银), Xue-jun Shao (邵学军), Hong Wang (王虹), Dong-dong Jia (假冬冬) (40)
The lubrication performance of water lubricated bearing with consideration of wall slip and inertial force
Zhong-liang Xie (解忠良), Na Ta (塔娜), Zhu-shi Rao (饶柱石) (52)
Ice accumulation and thickness distribution before inverted siphon
Hui Fu (付辉), Xin-lei Guo (郭新蕾), Kai-lin Yang (杨开林), Tao Wang (王涛), Yong-xin Guo (郭永鑫) (61)
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of oscillating-grid turbulence
Jin-feng Zhang (张金凤), Qing-he Zhang (张庆河), Jerome P.-Y. Maa, Guang-quan Qiao (乔光全) (68)
Fundamental study on mixing layer and horizontal circulation in open-channel flows with rectangular embayment zone
Michio Sanjou, Iehisa Nezu (75)
Cyclic strength of sand under a nonstandard elliptical rotation stress path induced by wave loading
Zhong-tao Wang (王忠涛), Peng Liu (刘鹏), Dongsheng Jeng, Qing Yang (杨庆) (89)
Numerical simulation of viscous flow past an oscillating square cylinder using a CIP-based model
Ying-nan Fu (付英男), Xi-zeng Zhao (赵西增), Fei-feng Cao (曹飞凤), Da-ke Zhang (张大可), Du Cheng (程都), Li Li (李莉) (96)
Experimental study of hydrodynamic performance of full-scale horizontal axis tidal current turbine
Feng-mei Jing (荆丰梅), Wei-jia Ma (马伟佳), Liang Zhang (张亮), Shu-qi Wang (王树齐), Xiao-hang Wang (王晓航) (109)
Quantitative study of degradation coefficient of pollutant against the flow velocity
Ben-sheng Huang (黄本胜), Chang-hong Hong (洪昌红), Huan-huan Du (杜欢欢), Jing Qiu (邱静), Xin Liang (梁馨), Chao Tan (谭超), Da Liu (刘达) (118)
Study of the natural vibration characteristics of water motion in the moon pool by the semi-analytical method
Li-qin Liu (刘利琴), Yan Li (李妍), Lei Huang (黄磊), You-gang Tang (唐友刚) (124)
Entropy generation analysis for the peristaltic flow of Cu-water nanofluid in a tube with viscous dissipation
Noreen Sher Akbar, Adil Wahid Butt (135)
Insoluble additives for enhancing a blood-like liquid flow in micro-channels
Hayder A. Abdulbari, Fiona Ling Wang Ming, Wafaa K. Mahmood (144)
Numerical estimation of bank-propeller-hull interaction effect on ship manoeuvring using CFD method
S. Kaidi, H. Smaoui, P. Sergent (154)


Numerical simulation of flow through circular array of cylinders using porous media approach with non-constant local inertial resistance coefficient
Jie-min Zhan (詹杰民), Wen-qing Hu (胡文清), Wen-hao Cai (蔡文豪), Ye- jun Gong (龚也君), Chi-wai Li (李志伟) (168)
Numerical study of the flow and dilution behaviors of round buoyant jet in counterflow
Meng Gao (高猛), Wen-xin Huai (槐文信), Yi-tian Li (李义天), Wei-jie Wang (王伟杰) (172)


10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH 2017)
Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol. 28 Annual Classified Catalog (2016)

JHD A辑目录2017年第1期

目 次


彭耀, 张笑通, 万德成, 等(1)
陈小平, 许晶禹(11)
顾杰, 马悦, 王佳元, 等(18)
陈嘉伟, 李光宇, 翁培奋, 等(25)
程萍, 万德成(32)
罗莹莹, 胡文清, 詹杰民, 等(40)
宁健, 李国栋, 马淼(46)
曾祥堃, 肖英杰, 顾维国, 等(54)
纳米流体Rayleigh-Benard 自然对流形成及换热的数值模拟
孙斌, 程莹莹, 刘亮(63)
陈帆, 王永学, 王国玉, 等(72)
蒋昌波, 黄琼, 伍志元, 等(81)
饶永超, 梁俊, 王树立, 等(88)
沈小雄, 陈家贵, 胡旭跃, 等(96)
谢伟伟, 王晓冬, 徐文丽(102)
胡彪, 宁利中, 宁碧波, 等(110)
贺培, 熊继有, 陆朝晖, 等(117)


Journal of Hydrodynamics 2016 年第6 期目次
2016 年中文分类总目录


Vol.32 No.1 2017
Numerical study of wave-current loads acting on foundation of fixed offshore wind turbine
PENG Yao, ZHANG Xiao-tong, WAN De-cheng, et al. (1)
Prediction of dynamic viscosity of heavy crude oil
CHEN Xiao-ping, XU Jing-yu (11)
Wave responses to beach nourishment at coast between Yang River and Putao Island
GU Jie, MA Yue, WANG Jia-yuan, et al. (18)
Research on air-assisted atomization mechanism in pulse detonation engines
CHEN Jia-wei, LI Guang-yu, WENG Pei-fen, et al. (25)
Analysis of wind turbine blade-tower interaction using overset grid method
CHENG Ping, WAN De-cheng (32)
Irregular wave generation using wave spectrum method and study on the evolution of wave propagation from deep to shallow region
LUO Ying-ying, HU Wen-qing, ZHAN Jie-min, et al. (40)
3D numerical simulation for flow and local scour around spur dike
NING Jian, LI Guo-dong, MA Miao (46)
Numerical simulation of large caisson towing resistance on different impacted angles
ZENG Xiang-kun, XIAO Ying-jie, GU Wei-guo, et al (54)
Numerical simulation on of formation and heat transfer nanofluid Rayleigh-Benard natural convection
SUN Bin, CHENG Ying-ying, LIU Liang (63)
An experimental study of the dual cylindrical caisson embodying a wave energy converter
CHEN Fan, WANG Yong-xue, WANG Guo-yu, et al. (72)
Numerical study of sandy beach profile induced by change of sea-level
JIANG Chang-bo, HUANG Qiong, WU Zhi-yuan, et al (81)
Experimental study on the frictional resistance of gas-liquid two-phase spiral flow generated by vane
RAO Yong-chao, LIANG Jun, WANG Shu-li, et al. (88)
Research on the characteristics of flow velocity distribution in the flexible vegetation zone under wave action
SHEN Xiao-xiong, CHEN Jia-gui, HU Xu-yue, et al. (96)
Analysis of water flooding development characteristics for inverted nine-spot patterns
XIE Wei-wei, WANG Xiao-dong, XU Wen-li (102)
The dependence of localized traveling wave on horizontal flow
HU Biao, NING Li-zhong, NING Bi-bo, et al. (110)
Study of pulse wave transmission mechanism based on high pulse hydraulic fracturing
HE Pei, XIONG Ji-you, LU Zhao-hui, et al. (117)