
Identification of Vortex Structure in Flow of Self-propelled Polar Cruise Ship Based on the Third Generation Vortex Identification Method
Ma Yunpeng, Wang Jianhua, Wan Decheng  (505)
Research on Numerical Prediction of Impact Load and Fragmentation of High-speed Raindrops
Ling Hongjie, Song Wandi, Wang Zhidong, Ding Jun  (515)
Solver of Ghost Cell Finite Difference Method with GPU-CUDA Acceleration
Xin Jianjian, Shi Fulong  (523)
Numerical Study on Influence of Anti-Collision Pontoon on Flow around Bridge Pier
Yang Guang, Ji Nan, Shu Linzhao, Qian Zhipeng, Wan Decheng  (528)
Numerical Simulation of Flow Field and Vortex Noise of AU5-65 Propeller in Crashback
Wang Xunming, Zhang Nan, Zhu Xiqing  (535)
Numerical Investigation on the Hydrodynamic Performance of Waterjet Propulsion based on Hull-Propulsion Coupling Model
Liang Tianxiong, Liang Ning, Cao Linlin, Wu Dazhuan  (543)
Research on Ship Roll Motion Control Method Based on MPC
Hu Lifen, Zhang Ming, Gong Qingtao, Bi Junying, Gao Ming  (551)
Comparison of Autoencoder with POD in Study of Flow Field around Inclined Circular Disk
Yi Nuo, Li Jun, Tian Xinliang, Guo Xiaoxian, Zhao Yakun  (558)
Three-dimensional Numerical Investigation of Flow Past Piggyback Pipelines
Yang Sisan, Gao Yangyang, Zhou Peiyuan, Huan Caiyun (565)
Study of Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Spiral Reinforced Heat Transfer Tubes
Zhu Xianglong, Xie Shuai, Zou Xin, Zeng Guoen, Luo Yikai  (578)
Research on the Wave Dissipation Performance of High Wave-dissipating and Low Flow-retarding Artificial Reefs
Sun Mingbo, Lin Jun, Zhang Qingyu, Zhang Shouyu, Liu Hongsheng, Wang Xinxin  (586)
Study on Response Mechanism of Shallow Water Wave Parameters Changes in the Bengal Based on Coupled and Uncoupled Model of Wind Wave-astronomical Tide-storm Surge
Wu Dean, Gu Jiawei, Wang Hongchuan  (599)
Pressure Transient Analysis for Fractured Wells with Variable Conductivity in Composite Tight Oil Reservoirs
Guo Jingjing, Xu Yaohong, Du Jia, Liu Yancheng, Wang Sibo, Zhang Yingchun, Wang Haitao  (612)
Vortex System Analysis of Two-dimensional Cascade Based on Direct Numerical Simulations
Zhao Yihan, Liu Yang, Zhu Shuaichen, Xu Hongyi, Wang Duo  (621)
Research on Cavitation State Identification of Centrifugal Pump Based on RNN and CEEMDAN Algorithm
Lang Tao, Zhao Jiawei, Chen Keqiang, Xu Enxiang, Ni Chen, Yin Jia, Zhang Desheng  (629)
Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow Conductivity and Electrical Impedance in Common Carotid Artery Affected by Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis
Zhan Chenlin, Li Yongjiang, Chen Dong, Qin Kairong  (637)
Cavitation Performance Analysis of Blade Perforated Centrifugal Pump
Lyu Shijie, Song Wenwu, Wang Hongwei, Yao Hangzhi  (646)
Experimental Study of Velocity Distribution and Turbulence Characteristics of Overland Flows
Ji Mingyu, Cheng Niansheng, Li Qijun  (655)



Applicability of Modal Decomposition Method to Flow around Hydrofoil
Ye Changliang, Huang Wanru, Zheng Yuan, Wang Fujun  (329)
Research on Characteristics of Gas-water Two-phase Flow in Swirling Spillway Tunnel with Blockage by Segmentation Simulation
Li Qilong, Li Jiangbo, Yan Junle  (338)
Measurement of Main Flow Field Around Drag Heads Based on ADV
Gu Lei, Wang Shun, Zhang Xiangyu, Ni Fusheng  (348)
Study on Flow Structure in Supercavity Ventilated by Double Vortex Tube in Backless Cavitation Device
Lu Fan, Li Jie  (356)
Dam Break Flooding Conservative Simulation at Extreme Complex Topographic Steep Valley and Slope
Xiang Bo, Zhou Jie, Yu Pubing, Li Xiaowei, Wang Yong  (363)
Numerical Study on Hydrodynamics of Coastal Bridge Cofferdam under Impacts of Multidirectional Focused Wave Groups
Ye Neng, Qu Ke, Wang Xu  (371)
Two-and Three-dimensional Model Simulations of Tidal Bore in Qiantang River and their Difference Analysis
Cheng Wenlong, Pan Cunhong, Wu Xiuguang  (383)
Influence of Inlet Pressure on Sealing Performance of Primary Liquid-sealing Impeller for Liquid Oxygen Turbopump
Xue Ruiyang, Song Hanbing, Zhou Rui, Wang Kai, Bao Haifeng, Liu Houlin  (391)
Numerical Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Performance in Rectangular Microchannel with Drop-shaped Longitudinal Vortex Generators
Zhang Xiangmin, Tian Maocheng, Liu Fei, Yu Detao (399)
Rapid Forecasting Method for Urban Storage Pond Scheduling Based on Numerical Simulation and BP Neural Network
Pan Xinxin, Hou Jingming, Chen Guangzhao, Li Donglai, Zhou Nie, Liang Xin, Lyu Jiahao, Qiao Xianling, Hu Yuan, Gao Xujun  (409)
Research on Oil-water Two-phase Flow Characteristics and Separation Performance under Pulsating Condition
Yang Rui, Lyu Chao, Zhu Baojin, Xiao Yinsong  (421)
Numerical Study on Fluid-solid-soil Coupling of Offshore Wind Turbine Supporting Structure
Huang Xili, Xue Leiping  (430)
Study on Mechanism of Balistidae Turning Maneuver
Wu Changyun, Hu Wenrong  (440)
Research on Feature Extraction Method of Three-dimensional Inclined Disk Flow Field Based on Deep Learning
Wei Li, Guo Xiaoxian, Tian Xinliang, Zhao Yakun  (450)
Effect of Green Water on Motion Response of Square FPSO with Taut Mooring System
Song Jiayu, Fan Ju  (463)
Analysis of Clearance Flow Characteristics of Shaftless Pump-Jet Propellers with Different Flange Structures
Ruan Hua, Han Chengzao, Shi Biliang, Ji Bin, Hong Fangwen  (472)
Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Three-dimensional Extreme Wave Shore ReefBased on Non-hydrostatic Model
Men Jia, Qu Ke, Wang Xu  (482)
Numerical Study of Beach Profile Evolution under Waves Based on Improved XBeach
Yu Hang, Zhang Jianpeng, Chen Genfa, Chen Xin  (495)




Longitudinal dispersive coefficient in channels with aquatic vegetation: A review
Liu Yang, Hao-ze Fang, Zhong-hua Yang, Wen-xin Huai (379)


Hydrodynamic performances and wakes induced by a generic submarine operating near the free surface in continuously stratified fluid
Liu-shuai Cao, Gang Gao, En-kai Guo, De-cheng Wan(396)
Assessment of subgrid-scale models in wall-modeled large-eddy simulations of turbulent channel flows
Wei-wen Zhao, Fu-chang Zhou, Guo-qing Fan, De-cheng Wan(407)
Application of IITM-RANS3D to free-fall water entry of prismatic and non-prismatic finite wedges
Shaswat Saincher, Kshitij Srivastava, R. Vijayakumar, V. Sriram(417)
Advances on numerical and experimental investigation of ship roll damping
Patrick Sumislawski, Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud(431)


Effects of single circular synthetic jet on turbulent boundary layer
Jin-hao Zhang, Biao-hui Li, Tian-hai Ping, Nan Jiang(449)
Evolution of vortex structure around a wall-mounted rough hemisphere
Xiang Qiu, Hao-xuan Liu, Jia-hua Li, Yi-zhou Tao, Yu-lu Liu (467)
Numerical study on roll dynamics of damaged ship in beam waves and calm water
Zhi-yun Huang, Zhi-liang Gao, Sang-ming Xu (482)
Global cavitation and hydrodynamic characteristics of a composite propeller in non-uniform wake
Dan-dan Zhang, Lu-lu Dong, Qin Wu, Jing Zhang, Guo-yu Wang (498)
Numerical analysis of the performance of a three-bladed vertical-axis turbine with active pitch control using a coupled unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and actuator line model
Rui-wen Zhao, Angus C. W. Creech, Ye Li, Vengatesan Venugopal, Alistair G. L. Borthwick (516)
Research on bubble trajectory and flow structure in helical-axial multiphase pump
Hui Quan, Chen-xi Sun, Kai Song, Ya-nan Li, Xiao-yi Liu, Xue-ling Yang, Liang Wang (533)
The prediction of external flow field and hydrodynamic force with limited data using deep neural network
Tong-sheng Wang, Guang Xi, Zhong-guo Sun, Zhu Huang (549)
Double-plume Lagrangian particle tracking model and its application in deep water oil spill
Xin-wei Ye, Xiao-jing Niu, Jian Jiang (571)
Optimization of closing law of turbine guide vanes based on improved artificial ecosystem algorithm
Li-ying Wang, Jia-jie Zhang, Hong-gang Fan (582)
LES investigation of the tip vortex cavitating flow with special emphasis on the interaction between cavitation and vorticity by a modified cavitation model
Xin-ran Liu, Tao Wang, Xiao-yang Zhao, Tai-ran Chen (594)

槐文信教授课题组发表Journal of Hydrodynamics封面文章

水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室、水利水电教授槐文信教授应Journal of Hydrodynamics主编邀请,撰文探讨植被化生态河道的纵向离散系数研究进展及挑战。该文章得到主编高度认可,特选为期刊35卷第3期封面文章,在刊物封面重点介绍和推荐阅读。

论文题为Longitudinal dispersive coefficientin channels withaquatic vegetation: A review(《含水生植被河道的纵向离散系数:综述》),课题组博士后杨柳、博士研究生方皓泽,实验室杨中华教授为论文共同作者,槐文信为通讯作者。

图1  Journal of Hydrodynamics第35卷第3期封面




图2 河道典型床面形态及水流结构分区示意图


图3 三种典型水生植被生长模式及流速分布规律图



武汉大学水利水电学院二级教授,博士生导师,珞珈杰出学者,1996年入选国家有突出贡献中青年专家,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。担任三本国际期刊副主编 Journal of Hydrodynamics, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Energy, Ecology and Environment,及《水利学报》、《武汉大学学报》等期刊编委。主要从事生态环境水力学研究,在含植物河道环境水力学和水沙动力学基础理论研究与河道生态修复水力调控应用研究等方面取得系统性研究成果。

主持13项国家自然科学基金和2项国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大项目专题,发表论文论著378篇(部),其中 SCI 收录168篇, EI 收录222篇,著作教材8部, Google 学术数据库总被引5000余次;2022年入选全球前2%顶尖科学家“科学影响力排行榜”;获2项国家级和12项省部级科技奖及周培源水动力学一等奖。



Wake Structure and Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Flow around Stepped Cylinders
Zhu Hongjun, Liu Wenli  (157)
Asymmetric Vibrations of Two Side-by-side Circular Cylinders in Presence of Thermal Buoyancy
Wang Yixuan, Ji Chunning, Xu Dong  (168)
Analysis of Wave Attenuation and Ice Breaking Characteristics Based on DEM-SPH Coupling Method
Wu Jie, Liu Lu, Ji Shunying  (176)
Comparative Study on Identification of Ship Maneuvering Motion Based on Deep Recurrent Neural Network
Jiang Yan, Wang Xuegang, Hou Xianrui, Zou Zaojian  (187)
Numerical Investigation on the High-speed Water Entry Cavity and Load Reduction of Air-jetting Cylinder
Wang Jun, Liu Longxiang, Chen Ying  (195)
Research on Effect of Inflow Velocity on Hydrodynamic Performance for Dolphin Kick Swimming
Li Hui, Zhang Junxia, Lin Xinghua, An Yishuai, Zhang Yuxiao, Xu Guoliang  (205)
High-order BEM with Transient Green Function and Unsteady Wave-Making Simulation
Tian Haofeng, Zhu Renchuan, Tang Kai  (213)
Parallel Pretreatment of Free Surface Flow Numerical Simulation Program
Li Xing, Wei Qingfu, Zhang Jingxin  (222)
Numerical Research on Underwater Cavitation Characteristics of Grid Fins
Bao Wenchun, You Tianqing, Xu Dongqiang, Chen Fu, Zhang Chenxing (232)
Numerical Simulation about Hydrodynamic Performance of Pushing-water Dredging Device Used
in Silted Drydock
Du Bingxin, Lu Yanzhou, Chen Zhengshou, Jiang Hua  (239)
Research on Unsteady Cavitation Flow Characteristics Around Hydrofoil and Cavitation Noise
Xu Jun, Mo Xueping, Yang Yu, Shao Jiaru  (249)
Hydrodynamic Performance and Risk Warning Analysis for Offshore Raft Culture Facilities Based
on RBF Surrogate Models
Chen Yiren, Huang Wanru, Yang Jiacheng, Zhang Yao, Zhang Xinshu (257)
Experimental Study on Restraining Total Pressure Distortion in Waterjet Inlet Using Vortex Generator
Wang Zhongjie, Huang Conglei, Chen Liu, Dai Ren  (270)
Numerical Investigation on Ship-Ship Interactions under Impact of Bank Effects
Zheng Ziqiang, Zou Lu, Zou Zaojian  (278)
Numerical Simulation of Shock Wave Propagation in Non-dilute Bubbly Flow
Li Chen, Wang Benlong, Hong Yao, Liu Yunqiao  (286)
Effect of Starting and Stopping Drilling Pumps on Transient Fluctuating Pressure in Offshore EHPHT Wells
Zhang Zhi, Xiang Shilin, Du Wei, Zhang Wandong, Zhang Chao, Zhao Yuanjin, Yang Kun (293)
Wind Farm Layout Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm
Xie Xunhan, Zhao Weiwen, Wan Decheng  (303)
Research on NARMAX Model in Wind Load Prediction of Offshore Wind Turbine
Wang Lizhi, Kong Helin, Fan Ju  (312)
Analytical Solution of Flow Velocity Development Along Ecological Channel Containing Floodplain Vegetation
Zhang Jiao, Miao Mengmeng, Wang Wen, Mi Zhangyi, Chen Wenfu, Wu Zi (319)