
引用格式:Zhou, Z., Xu, Z., Wang, S. et al. Wall-modeled large-eddy simulation of noise generated by turbulence around an appended axisymmetric body of revolution. J Hydrodyn 34, 533–554 (2022). 
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大涡模拟是新一代计算流体力学软件的核心工具,有望应用于工程湍流非定常特征和水动力噪声研究。但是,大涡模拟所需的网格量约正比于雷诺数的平方,是其用于复杂几何边界高雷诺数工程湍流的重要困难。壁面模化大涡模拟通过引入近壁流动模型避免完全解析近壁流动,是突破高雷诺数壁湍流大涡模拟困难的一种途径。现有的近壁流动模型主要用于槽道湍流等标准算例的研究,还很少应用到实际工程模型当中。本文借助非平衡型近壁流动模型,结合Ffowcs Williams与Hawkings声比拟理论,实现了全附体SUBOFF标模湍流噪声的壁面模化大涡模拟。


图1 潜航器附近的瞬时流场结构

图2  艇体横截面的瞬时声场


何国威,中国科学院力学研究所学术所长、学术委员会主任,中国科学院院士、研究员。长期从事湍流和计算流体力学的研究,提出的湍流时空关联的EA模型和大涡模拟的时空关联方法,被美国物理学会评价为对理解湍流的时空关联和发展时间精准的湍流模型做出了基本(fundamental)贡献。主要学术成果发表在《Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech.》,《J. Fluid Mech.》,《Phys. Rev. Fluids》,《J. Comput. Phys.》,《Phys. Rev. Lett.》等期刊上。曾获国家杰出青年科学基金,现任美国物理学会《Phys. Rev. Fluids》杂志副主编,中国力学学会《Acta Mech. Sin.》副主编,中国力学学会期刊《Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett.》主编。

王士召,中国科学院力学研究所研究员。主要从事湍流与计算流体力学研究,相应工作发表于《J. Fluid Mech.》,《J. Comput. Phys.》,《AIAA J.》等流体力学重要期刊。主持国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目、国家数值风洞工程基础研究重点课题等,任《Acta Mech. Sin.》和《力学进展》青年编委,中国力学学会湍流与流动稳定性专业组成员,中国工业与应用数学学会数学力学专业委员会委员,中国空气动力学会计算空气动力学委员会委员。


周志腾,中国科学院力学研究所在读博士研究生。周志腾于2018年进入中国科学院力学研究所攻读博士学位,从事湍流噪声领域相关的科研工作,曾针对四极子声源穿出FW-H积分面导致的虚假噪声问题,利用格林函数的渐近展开,提出了一种四极子噪声修正模型。该模型克服了传统模型在部分马赫数下计算结果发散的问题,并成功应用在钝体绕流的远场噪声计算当中。相关成果已发表于《AIAA J.》,《Theor. App. Mech. Lett.》等期刊。


许昭越,中国科学院力学研究所在读博士研究生。2018年毕业于西北工业的航空学院后加入力学所非线性国家重点实验室攻读博士学位,从事计算流体力学相关研究。主要工作内容有:复杂边界的近壁速度重构、数据驱动量纲分析。已在《J. Comput. Phys.》,《Phys. Fluids》等流体力学期刊上发表学术论文5篇。担任《Phys. Fluids》,《Acta Mech. Sin.》期刊的审稿人。




Study on vertical distribution of velocity in floating vegetation flow based on fractal theory
Ying-ying Geng, Jiao Zhang, Zhan-bin Li, Tian Wang (441)
Numerical analysis on characteristics of transient process in centrifugal pumps during power failure under
large flow initial condition
Zhen-guo Ge, Jian-jun Feng, Ya-jun Wu, Zhen-biao Yang, Yu Zhang, Guo-jun Zhu, Xing-qi Luo (452)
PIV Experimental study on influence of vertical wall on wake of ducted propeller
Guan-jie Fu, Hao-rong Ren, Chang-ming Zhang, Qin Zhang (459)
Motion simulation of submersible passing through internal solitary wave
Kang-jia Feng, Zhi-chong Yao, Fang-lin Hu, Le Liu (467)
Numerical simulation research on six-degree-of-freedom tail-slap of supercavitating projectile
Xu-hao Zhu, Jie Li (474)
Research on mechanism of cavitation near free surface induced by underwater explosion
Jun Yu, Jian-hu Liu, Zhen-xin Sheng, Bo Yan, Xian-pi Zhang (483)
Numerical analysis of non-uniform flow field and cavitation of bionic hydrofoil at high angle of attack
Yu-tong Qian, Xiao-tao Zhao, Huai-yu Cheng, Bin Ji (492)
Study on hydrodynamic characteristics of heave motion of dual coaxial cylinders with moonpool
Peng-fei Zhi, Xin-shu Zhang (501)
Numerical analysis on nonlinear resonance characteristics of three-dimensional moonpool with recess
Zhang-han-yi Li, Xin-shu Zhang, Yang Liu, Peng-fei Zhi, Wei Li, Huai-xin Zhang (512)
Numerical investigation on characteristics of vortex-induced motion of tension leg platform with circular columns
Hao Pei, Peng-fei Zhi, Xin-shu Zhang, Yun-xiang You, Wei Li (520)
Study on coupling mechanism of rising behavior and heat transfer of high-temperature bubbles
Qi-hu Wang, Zhen-guang Xu, Wen-bin Zhu, Lei Huang, Qun-qing Lin (529)
Implicit interpolation scheme for non-conforming meshes in computational fluid dynamics
Li-xiang Chen, Lan-hao Zhao, Han-yue Zhu, Jia Mao (538)
Direct numerical simulation of drag reduction in turbulent channel flow with multiple droplets
Chang Gao, Ding-yi Pan (547)
Method to calculate added wave resistance based on radiation energy method with detailed ship panel
Hao-jia Sun, Liang Hong, De-kang Xu, Ren-chuan Zhu (555)
Effect of rigid vegetation on dynamic characteristics of stratified gravity currents
Xiao-yun Xie, Ling Liu, Don-grui Han, Ying-tien Lin (564)
Study on improvement of hydraulic instability characteristics of shaft tubular pump
Rui Zhang, Shu-yi Tan, Xu-jie Ding, Yang-yang Jiang, Hui Xu (573)
Numerical simulation of dynamic responses of semi-circular breakwater and its foundation under wave action
Jian Yang, Gang Wang (582)
Effect of air-water mixed layer on hydrodynamic performance of novel stealth USV
Xi Zhou, Xiao-wei Li, Chun-xin Li, Xiang-yu Zhang, Dan Zhang (590)
Numerical investigation of separation characteristics of gas-liquid slugs flowing through multi-tube T-junctions separator
Hong-jun Zhu, Xin Chu, Chang-he Li, Ye-qian Huang (599)


在水力机械的设计与研究中,提升水力效率、降低水力不稳定特性是永恒的目标。提升水力效率的本质在于降低流域内水力损失,而改善水力机械不稳定特性的本质在于控制水力损失在不同流量工况的分布规律。因此,水力损失特性宏观上决定了水力机械运行特性,微观上又与旋涡演化有着千丝万缕的关联。如何正确的表征水力损失,并探明水力损失与旋涡演化之间的关联是一个无法回避的问题。本期,我们推荐哈尔滨工业大学王洪杰教授、李德友教授团队近期在Journal of Hydrodynamics(第34卷第4期)发表的 “水力损失与旋涡演化内在关联机制:以水泵水轮机泵工况为例”的文章。

Investigation on the relationship between hydraulic loss and vortex evolution in pump mode of a pump-turbine
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水力损失方面,在初期的研究中,学者们习惯性采用流线所表现的流动特性来定性的描述水力损失,如:回流,二次流,涡团周期性演化等等。但该方法难以精确描述水力损失在流域中分布情况;近十年来,借用热力学概念的熵产损失方法及从N-S方程(Navier-Stokes equations)中所推导出的微分动能平衡方程方法被广泛应用于水力损失的定量描述中,但这两种方法与水力损失的等价性缺乏严格的理论验证。本文基于从N-S方程中推导出的微分动能平衡方程及Boussinesq假设,推导出湍流流动中水力损失成分,发现水力损失由流域内耗散作用及输运作用共同导致。传统熵产损失方法仅仅描述耗散作用而忽略输运作用,而输运作用恰恰是区分流域内水力损失和热力学损失的关键。


利用数值模拟方法(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD),并借助数理统计中皮尔逊相关系数(Pearson correlation coefficient)对水泵水轮机泵工况关键流域内水力损失与旋涡演化之间的空间分布相关性进行探究。分析结果表明水力损失中耗散效应与变形涡量拟涡能相关性为非常强,而水力损失中输运效应与刚性涡量输运强度相关性为强。该结果不仅与刘超群教授涡量剪切占优结论具有良好一致性,更表明虽然刚性涡量占总涡量比例较小,但刚性涡量输运行为所导致的水力输运损失却不可忽略,该结论丰富了刚性涡的研究领域,为进一步研究水力损失与旋涡之间的关联建立良好基础;同时,本文所提出的水力损失概念不仅具有直观物理意义,更能反映微观旋涡演化特征,可作为今后研究水力损失的代表性物理量。

图1 水力损失-旋涡演化关性相关性分析流程

图2 水泵水轮机泵工况关键流域局部水力损失分布与旋涡演化特性分布对比

图3 水泵水轮机泵工况关键流域内水力损失与旋涡演化相关性分析


覃永粼,哈尔滨工业大学博士三年级在读研究生,本、硕均毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,曾于本科期间获得国家奖学金。研究方向包括水泵水轮机多目标水力特性优化研究、水力损失机理研究、水力损失与旋涡演化相关性研究等等;目前,其所提出的转轮高压边三维优化策略已被应用于某抽水蓄能机组中,并在Renewable Energy、Journal of Energy Storage、Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments等杂志上发表学术论文10篇,其中一作SCI论文4篇,并参加国际IAHR会议及国内抽水蓄能专业委员会学术交流年会。


李德友,工学博士,青年拔尖教授,博士生导师,能源学院院长专项助理,流体机械及工程研究所副所长,担任中国电机工程学会风力与潮汐发电专业委员会委员、中国水力发电工程学会抽水蓄能专委会委员、SAC/TC175/WG2“水力机械振动”标准工作组成员、SCI期刊Journal of Hydrodynamics编委、中国水力发电工程学会抽水蓄能专委会委员、《排灌机械工程学报》青年编委、IAHR会员等20余项职务,围绕双碳目标,面向国家专项,从事抽水蓄能机组及航空航天特种流体机械流动机理及流动控制策略研究,先后获2021年中国动力工程学会青年科技奖、2020年黑龙江省自然科学一等奖(排名2)、中国产学研合作创新与促进奖二等奖(排名3);入选2021年秋哈工大青年拔尖人才选聘计划-拔尖教授、2020年黑龙江省博士后青年英才计划、2018年秋哈工大青年拔尖人才选聘计划-拔尖副教授,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、中国博士后科学基金特别资助、十三五装备预研领域基金子课题等30余项;在Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、Energy Conversion and Management、Journal of Cleaner Production、Renewable Energy、Physics of Fluids、AIAA Journal、Journal of Hydraulic Research、ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering等杂志上发表学术论文75篇,其中一作SCI论文35篇,通讯12篇(ESI高被引论文3篇,Top期刊19篇),授权/受理专利15项,软件著作10项。担任国家精品资源共享课、国家精品课程《工程流体力学》主讲教师,负责和参与教学项目10余项,发表教学论文10篇。指导学生获全国能源动力类优秀本科毕业设计论文、全国大学生节能减排竞赛一等奖等40余项奖励和荣誉。担任国家自然科学基金、教育部学位论文通讯评审专家。




Wall-modeled large-eddy simulation of noise generated by turbulence around an appended axisymmetric body of revolution
Zhi-teng Zhou, Zhao-yue Xu, Shi-zhao Wang, Guo-wei He(533)


Investigation on the relationship between hydraulic loss and vortex evolution in pump mode of a pump-turbine
Yong-lin Qin, De-you Li, Hong-jie Wang, Zhan-sheng Liu, Xian-zhu Wei, Xiao-hang Wang(555)
A modified VLES model for simulation of rotating separation flow in axial flow rotating machinery
Hao-ru Zhao, Fu-jun Wang, Chao-yue Wang, Chang-liang Ye, Zhi-feng Yao, Qiang Zhong(570)
Correlation analysis between underwater noise and Liutex for DTMB4119 propeller
Lian-jie Yu, Jian-wei Wu, De-cheng Wan(585)
Flow and passive scalar transfer characteristics around a row of interacting tandem cylinders
Kamau Kingora, Mishal Mohammad Raza, Hamid Sadat(596)
A numerical study of the impacts of sediment composition on debris flows
Abiola Abraham Adebiyi, Peng Hu(620)
Air-core characteristics in a swirling tunnel flow
Jun-hu Nan, Huan Gao, Chao-qun Wang, Kang-ning Ma, James Yang, Jia-fang Wei, Guo-dong Li(634)
Numerical study of fluid resonance of a two-dimensional heaving-free moonpool in a wide range of incident waves
Peng-lin Jing, Guang-hua He, Zheng-xiao Luan, Chao-gang Liu, Hao Yang(647)
Stability of the axial-auto-balanced impeller of centrifugal pump
Fa-ye Jin, Ran Tao, Di Zhu, Ruo-fu Xiao(665)
Numerical investigation of the dynamics of flexible vegetations in turbulent open-channel flows
Dong Xu, Jia-ning Liu, Yun-feng Wu, Chun-ning Ji(681)
Numerical test of scale relations for modelling coastal sandbar migration and inspiration to physical model design
Yuan Li, Chi Zhang, Shan-hang Chi, Yun-han Yang, Jian Shi, Ti-ti Sui(700)
Instantaneous sediment transport formula for sheet flow beneath asymmetric wave and current
Xin-yu Hu, Zhong-hua Weng, Xin Chen, Hai-fei Liu(712)
Simulation of the erosion of casing and perforation under staged sand fracturing conditions in horizontal sections
Bao-cheng Wu, Si-song Zhang, Jian-min Li, Yu-ting Pan, De-zhi Zeng, Hui-yong Yu, Hong-jun Zhu(725)
A zero-flux principle for extracting secondary flows in arbitrary vertical planes of natural rivers
De-chao Hu(744)
Numerical simulation and scaling analysis of elasticity-induced lift force in a viscoelastic fluid between confining surfaces
Xin Zhao, Chao Wei(756)




Study on mechanism of balistid’s backward maneuvering
Tao-tao Xu, Wen-rong Hu (277)
Influence of cultured fish on flow field around net cage
Ying-xue Cui, Chang-gen Liu, Chun-hong Liu, Xiao-fu Xu, Sai-fei Tan (284)
Numerical study on thermodynamic effect of inducer cavitation in liquefied natural gas
Jun-feng Li, De-sheng Zhang, Bin Xu, Fa-dong Gu (292)
Energy dissipation characteristics of double-layer side ports in in-chamber culvert designed for large-scale
lock chamber with extreme high water head
Ming Chen1, Tian-tian Liu, Jing-xian Li, Hai-jin Huang (301)
Numerical simulation of energy harvesting of cylinder attached with splitter plate based on its flow-induced
Ling-xiao Lin, Jia-song Wang, Yu Shen (309)
Calculation of air content of high-pressure submerged water jet based on stagnation pressure distribution
Jian Liu, Guan-shi Wang, Si-hai Luo, Jian-xiang Yu, Ping Long (317)
Godunov scheme water hammer solution model based on TVD framework
Tie-xiang Mo, Guo-dong Li, Zhen-dong Yang, Qiao-ling Zhang (326)
Mode transition and spatial-temporal competition of vortex-induced vibration of flexible riser
Hong-jun Zhu, Zhi-qi Ding (335)
Study on theoretical solution of rayleigh-plesset equation based on special function method
Kai-tao Guo, Xue-ming Shao, Ling-xin Zhang (345)
Numerical simulation of air-water-sand three-phase flow in inflow shaft based on multi-phase model
Hui-xiang Chen, Ya-nan Chen, Wei-song Wu, Da-qing Zhou, Hui Xu (352)
Level-set based immersed boundary method for simulating internal flows of hydraulic machinery
Kan Kan, Qing-ying Zhang, Hao-yu Li, Hui Xu, Yuan Zheng (360)
Research on high-efficient and high-resolution numerical simulation and assessment model for river water
Guang-xue Luan, Jing-ming Hou, Lu Yang, Xin-yi Li, Jia-hao Lyu, Wen-qing Zhang, Xue-liang Sun (372)
Numerical investigation of flow-induced swinging response of circular cylinder with uniformly distributed detached flat blades
Tao Tang, Hong-jun Zhu, Zhi-yin Yan, Shuo Wang, Hong-ye Liu (383)
Damping performance of anti-motion structures on cylindrical FPSO
Wei-nan Hao, Wei-wen Zhao, De-cheng Wan, Shi Deng (393)
Effect of adhesion bond strength on cell dynamic adhesion process
Pei-xin Fu, Pei-ye Li, Yan-dong Hu (401)
Numerical simulations of oblique towing tests for waterjet-propelled ship model
Ye Luo, Lu Zou, Zao-jian Zou, Xiao-jian Liu, Chen-liang Zhang (408)
Three-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical simulation of liao river estuary with effect of salt marsh vegetation
Chong-xu Chai, Zi-yu Zhao, Yun Gong, Xue-kai Zhao, Ming-liang Zhang (415)
Study on the dam-break wave induced runup process based on deep learning
Jia-qi Chen, Jun Zeng, Hai-jiang Liu (426)
Characteristics of geysers induced by release of air pocket in storage tunnel system
Xiao-sheng Wang, Jian Zhang, Shang-tuo Qian, Yao-hui Chen, Zhong-lie Kuai (432)