Top Articles of JHD in 2019 (data from Springer-Nature)

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1.Top 10 Full-Text Article Requests 2019 (all publication years)

Title Author Article Type Volume Issue Year* Article Requests 2019
1 Spectral/hp element methods: Recent developments, applications, and perspectives Hui Xu et al. Review Paper 30 1 2018 1,662
2 Third generation of vortex identification methods: Omega and Liutex/Rortex based systems Chaoqun Liu et al. Original Paper 31 2 2019 487
3 Application of deep learning method to Reynolds stress models of channel flow based on reduced-order modeling of DNS data Zhen Zhang et al. Original Paper 31 1 2019 278
4 Bubble dynamics and its applications Shi-Ping Wang et al. Review Paper 30 6 2018 220
5 A review of cavitation in hydraulic machinery Xian-wu Luo et al. Review Paper 28 3 2016 195
6 Development of naoe-FOAM-SJTU solver based on OpenFOAM for marine hydrodynamics Jian-hua Wang et al. Original Paper 31 1 2019 181
7 A selected review of vortex identification methods with applications Yu-ning Zhang et al. Original Paper 30 5 2018 149
8 Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and its applications in fluid-structure interactions A-man Zhang et al. Review Paper 29 2 2017 136
9 The structure of turbulent flow through submerged flexible vegetation Wen-xin Huai et al. Original Paper 31 2 2019 135
10 SPH modeling of fluid-structure interaction Luhui Han et al. Original Paper 30 1 2018 130

2.Top 10 Full-Text Article Requests 2019 (publication years 2017–2019)

Title Author Article Type Volume Issue Year* Article Requests 2019
1 Spectral/hp element methods: Recent developments, applications, and perspectives Hui Xu et al. Review Paper 30 1 2018 1,662
2 Third generation of vortex identification methods: Omega and Liutex/Rortex based systems Chaoqun Liu et al. Original Paper 31 2 2019 487
3 Application of deep learning method to Reynolds stress models of channel flow based on reduced-order modeling of DNS data Zhen Zhang et al. Original Paper 31 1 2019 278
4 Bubble dynamics and its applications Shi-Ping Wang et al. Review Paper 30 6 2018 220
5 Development of naoe-FOAM-SJTU solver based on OpenFOAM for marine hydrodynamics Jian-hua Wang et al. Original Paper 31 1 2019 181
6 A selected review of vortex identification methods with applications Yu-ning Zhang et al. Original Paper 30 5 2018 149
7 Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and its applications in fluid-structure interactions A-man Zhang et al. Review Paper 29 2 2017 136
8 The structure of turbulent flow through submerged flexible vegetation Wen-xin Huai et al. Original Paper 31 2 2019 135
9 Explicit formula for the Liutex vector and physical meaning of vorticity based on the Liutex-Shear decomposition Yi-qian Wang et al. Original Paper 31 3 2019 130
10 SPH modeling of fluid-structure interaction Luhui Han et al. Original Paper 30 1 2018 130

3.Top ranking highest cited 2016-2017 articles for IF Year 2018

Title Author Publication Type Publication Date DOI Volume Issue Total Citations* Citations for IF 2018
A review of cavitation in hydraulic machinery Luo, Xian-wu; Ji, Bin; Tsujimoto, Yoshinobu Review 01-06-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60638-8 28 3 95 25
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and its applications in fluid-structure interactions Zhang, A-man; Sun, Peng-nan; Ming, Fu-ren; Colagrossi, A. Review 01-04-2017 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60730-8 29 2 46 19
Large eddy simulation of turbulent attached cavitating flow with special emphasis on large scale structures of the hydrofoil wake and turbulence-cavitation interactions Ji, Bin; Long, Yun; Long, Xin-ping; Qian, Zhong-dong; Zhou, Jia-jian Article 01-02-2017 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60715-1 29 1 40 19
Verification and validation of URANS simulations of the turbulent cavitating flow around the hydrofoil Long, Yun; Long, Xin-ping; Ji, Bin; Huai, Wen-xin; Qian, Zhong-dong Article 01-08-2017 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60774-6 29 4 38 18
On the modeling of viscous incompressible flows with smoothed particle hydrodynamics Liu, Mou-Bin; Li, Shang-ming Review 01-10-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60676-5 28 5 40 16
Mixed convection flow of jeffrey nanofluid with thermal radiation and double stratification Abbasi, F. M.; Shehzad, S. A.; Hayat, T.; Alhuthali, M. S. Article 01-10-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60686-8 28 5 31 12
Numerical simulation of hydraulic force on the impeller of reversible pump turbines in generating mode Li, Jin-wei; Zhang, Yu-ning; Liu, Kai-hua; Xian, Hai-zhen; Yu, Ji-xing Article 01-08-2017 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60773-4 29 4 13 8
Hull form optimization of a cargo ship for reduced drag Huang, Fuxin; Yang, Chi Article 01-04-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60619-4 28 2 21 7
Numerical investigation of unsteady cavitating turbulent flows around twisted hydrofoil from the Lagrangian viewpoint Cheng, Huai-yu; Long, Xin-ping; Ji, Bin; Zhu, Ye; Zhou, Jia-jian Article 01-08-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60674-1 28 4 19 6
Hydrodynamic modelling of flow impact on structures under extreme flow conditions Liang, Qiuhua; Chen, Kai-cui; Hou, Jingming; Xiong, Yan; Wang, Gang; Qiang, Juan Article 01-04-2016 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60628-5 28 2 11 6

4.Altmetric Top 10 – 2019

How is the Altmetric score calculated? The score is a weighted count

The score is a weighted count of the different sources (newspaper stories, tweets, blog posts, comments) that mention the paper.

Why is it weighted? To reflect the relative importance of each type of source. It’s easy to imagine that the average newspaper story is more likely to bring attention to the paper than the average tweet. This is reflected in the default weightings.

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8 5 2.5 1 1 0.25
Score Article DOI Title Author(s) Publication Date
8 10.1016/s1001-6058(09)60249-3 Dynamic pressures on curved front seawall models under random waves K. V. ANAND, V. SUNDAR, S. A. SANNASIRAJ 01-10-2010
4 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60614-5 A new biomimicry marine current turbine: Study of hydrodynamic performance and wake using software OpenFOAM YUNG-JEH CHU 01-02-2016
3 10.1016/s1001-6058(13)60365-0 Influence of emergent macrophyte (Phragmites australis) density on water turbulence and erosion of organic-rich sediment JUKKA HORPPILA, JONI KAITARANTA, LAURA JOENSUU, LEENA NURMINEN 01-04-2013
3 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60791-6 Numerical simulation of three-dimensional breaking waves and its interaction with a vertical circular cylinder ZHIHUA XIE, LIN LU, THORSTEN STOESSER, JIAN-GUO LIN, DIMITRIOS PAVLIDIS, PABLO SALINAS, CHRISTOPHER C. PAIN, OMAR K. MATAR 01-10-2017
2 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60705-9 Effects of thermal boundary conditions on the joule heating of electrolyte in a microchannel M. Y. ABDOLLAHZADEH JAMALABADI, J. H. PARK, M. M. RASHIDI, J. M. CHEN 01-10-2016
1 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60699-6 New prospects for computational hydraulics by leveraging high-performance heterogeneous computing techniques QIUHUA LIANG, LUKE SMITH, XILIN XIA 01-12-2016
1 10.1016/s1001-6058(16)60628-5 Hydrodynamic modelling of flow impact on structures under extreme flow conditions QIUHUA LIANG, KAI-CUI CHEN, JINGMING HOU, YAN XIONG, GANG WANG, JUAN QIANG 01-04-2016